Page 70 of Prince of Pain
“Dude,” I sighed, knowing he was starting to freak out. “BG is under investigation, which means everyone is. No cop, lawyer, or prison guard is going to risk much right now.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Jett. You knew who they were before you started dicking my sister, so don’t act surprised when they get locked up regularly,” I snapped, needing to get up and pace to calm myself.
“Are you okay?” he asked slowly, eyeing me warily.
“I can’t fix your problems, man. Beckett’s going to be in and out of prison for the rest of her life, and Maddox will too. It’s unavoidable,” I huffed, raking a hand through my hair and reaching into my pocket for a cigarette with the other.
“Don’t bite my head off, but are you using again? You’re twitchy in a comedown kind of way,” he said slowly, putting his hands up in front of him when I shot him a glare. “Just asking.”
“I haven’t slept much. It was a big night, and I’m hungover as fuck,” I grunted, lighting the cigarette and blowing out a breath. I had to get my shit together.
“Up all night fucking?” he chuckled, and I couldn’t help but grin, my mood simmering.
“I think I fucked more than I breathed. I don’t know how Temp is even walking this morning, Mase and I railed her on and off all night.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t gotten bored of her.”
“She’s complicated, but that girl will do anything I want.”
“Do you like her? You’ve been going back to her a lot,” he asked curiously, and I shrugged.
“I guess.”
“Why don’t you date her then?”
I snorted, giving him the side-eye as I sat back down to finish smoking now that I was calmer. “She’s no good for me and I’m no good for her. She’s high more than she is sober, and I’m too sober to put up with her all the time. Besides, I like fucking different girls.”
“With multiple personalities like hers, you have lots to choose from,” he joked, cackling as I swatted at him. “Tell me I’m wrong!”
“I can’t or I’d be lying,” I smirked, glancing down at my phone as she tried calling again. “She just doesn’t give up.”
“See what she wants and tell her to fuck off,” he suggested, and I sighed before pressing answer and holding it to my ear.
“After I ignored the first million calls, you’d think you’d take the hint.”
“It’s important! I need to stay at yours tonight,” she snapped, making me roll my eyes.
“I’m not home tonight.”
“Where are you?”
“None of your business. I’m hanging up, stop calling me.”
I went to end the call, but I paused when she replied. “I don’t have anywhere to go. Dad kicked me out.”
“Yeah. Please, can I come to you?” she begged, and there was no point in humoring her question. Even if I wanted her here, Beckett would fucking kill me.
“No. You’re not welcome here and since it’s not my house, I don’t make the rules. Have you tried Mase?”
“Yes. His phone’s off,” she sighed, her voice going quiet. “I don’t want to sleep in my car.”