Page 86 of Prince of Pain
“Oh. Well, that’s good then. Are you coming home soon? I think we need to sit down as a family and talk.”
She made it sound like an option, but it really wasn’t.
“We’ll talk when we have time. You have more important shit to focus on right now.”
“Nothing is more important than you kids. I can’t do much for Beck and Maddox, Riley and Luna are keeping to themselves with school and looking at houses, I spoke to Marla yesterday, and Angel and Mikey have been working. The only kid I need to see is you,” she said sternly. “I’m worried about you. You’re drinking a lot again.”
“Oh, the room service tab? That’s not just me. Temp and I have had friends over.”
“Cut back, I mean it,” she warned, cursing under her breath before adding, “I have to go, the school’s calling so Noah’s done something to piss them off again. Stay safe, I love you.”
“Love you too, Mom,” I answered before hanging up, flicking my eyes up to Tempest as she wandered in. “Mom’s watching the hotel tab.”
“Told you,” she muttered, rummaging in my bag for some clothes. “Now, go shower. We need some fresh air.”
“You were just outside.”
“Maybe we can go shopping?” she said offhandedly, making me snort.
“With my card, I assume?”
“I want my nails done, you said you would. They’re getting really bad,” she pouted, and I rolled my eyes.
“I suppose. I’ll be quick.”
Within ten minutes, I was showered, dressed, and feeling a little more awake, letting Tempest practically drag me down to the lobby and outside, where she made a beeline for the cafe. She ordered us a coffee each, and I paid without her asking me to, knowing she wasn’t likely to be carrying any money on her.
I was more than happy to drop her off at the salon to get her nails done once we’d eaten some waffles, giving me some time alone which was desperately needed. Just because I was enjoying her company, didn’t mean I loved being smothered.
“Hey, man.”
I turned, finding Cruz standing behind me looking innocent, but I’d bet money on him being a spy for Mom.
“Hey,” I said slowly. “What are you doing here?”
“Stealing shit,” he shrugged casually, motioning to the fancy houses down the street. “There’s nice shit here.”
“You don’t say?” I scoffed, pulling a cigarette out and lighting it. “You’re not here to spy on me?”
“Why would I? You’re boring. All you’ve done is sit in your hotel,” he said with a smirk, telling me he had been watching me. “I’m currently not on prince duty. I’m out on Thieves’ business.”
“Tell Mom you saw me then so she backs off.”
“I could do that. You look hungover as fuck. Should you be drinking? Aren’t you meant to be sober?”
“I drink. I avoid drugs,” I replied, blowing smoke at him. “Mom sees what I’m ordering so it’s not like drinking is a secret anyway.”
“Where’s your girl?”
“Getting her nails done. I like them sharp,” I smirked.
“I don’t know what you see in her. Sure, she’s hot, but that’s about it.”
I narrowed my eyes, flicking ash at him. “I don’t see what you like about Penn. She’s annoying, boring, and I bet she just lies there in bed. I like experienced women, they’re not afraid to get on top or fuck with the lights on. It’s kind of a requirement to be my girlfriend, none of that timid shit.”
“Tempest will never settle down, dude.”
“Neither will I. It works,” I shrugged, earning a look of confusion.