Page 90 of Prince of Pain
“One, I’m a perv, and two, I’ve been researching for you,” he said as if it was no big deal, making me smile.
“Thanks, Mase.”
“I’ll send all of this through to you if you want so you can read it later. I’ll help you plan if you want to brainstorm, and I bet Ry will help. He’s a perv too.”
“I’m aware. A kinky one at that,” I deadpanned, tugging my pants down to show him Ryder’s name carved into my skin.
He sat up to get a better look, frowning slightly. “That’s a dumb spot to put it. Isn’t that hard to shave with? Not that I give a fuck if you grow out your body hair.”
“I’ve been waxing for years, it barely grows anymore. I’m glad to know you’d still want to bone me if I let myself go though,” I joked, squealing as he tugged my pants off my legs and knelt between them, pressing a kiss to my clit.
“I’d want you even if you were a worm. Now lie there and let me eat you. It’s been a long week without this pussy.”
I wasn’t going to complain about that idea.
Chapter Sixteen
My mind was foggy when I woke up. I sat up in bed, finding myself between Tempest and Channing, Mason and Wolfe on Tempest’s other side. I blinked against the light coming through the windows, trying to focus as the room seemed to spin.
“Dude, stop jumping around,” Channing grunted, peering over at me with annoyance.
“Sorry,” I mumbled, slipping out from the blanket and crawling down the bed to avoid disturbing anyone else. He huffed but didn’t say anything else as I headed to the bathroom, wincing when I assessed myself in the mirror to find massive hickeys all down my neck and chest, and what appeared to be a black eye. “What the fuck?” I muttered under my breath, poking at my eye and regretting it as the burn started.
I remembered fucking a lot, but that was about it. If I got into a fight with one of the guys, I didn’t remember it.
I relieved my bladder and showered, rolling my eyes when the door opened as I was washing my hair and Wolfe walked in to pee.
“Seriously?” I asked flatly, and he didn’t even look over at me as he took a piss.
“What? I spent all night naked in front of you, sharing fucking body fluids in the communal pussy you call a girlfriend, but watching me piss is too much for you?” he deadpanned.
“I share enough with you guys, so the least you could do is give me five minutes alone to shower.”
“Sounds like a you problem, Donovan. It was either I came in to pee, or I was pissing over the balcony,” he grunted, finally finishing and turning to face me. He was sporting a black eye too.
“Did we fight last night?” I asked as I shut the water off and climbed out, grabbing a towel to wrap around myself.
“Nah. We had a bet that we could knock each other out with one punch. I don’t think either of us won, to be honest with you,” he chuckled. “You’ll need to clean the couch though. You and Chan made some bitch squirt all over it.”
“We did?” I asked with a frown, rubbing my temples. “I don’t remember anything other than us fucking Temp and doing shots when we started. Other people showed up?”
He grinned, shaking his head a little. “Dude, go see the living room. It’s trashed. You threw a big party. There were tits and dicks everywhere. I think I broke some guy’s nose for getting handsy with me, it was wild.”
It wouldn’t have been the first hotel room I’d trashed with a party, so I secured the towel around my waist and followed him out into the main room to see for myself.
Plastic cups and beer cans littered the floor and every surface, one of the curtains was on the floor with three people sleeping under it like a blanket, and most couches and chairs had people passed out on them too.
I rubbed my eyes as if to wake myself up more, making Wolfe laugh. “You really don’t remember a thing do you? You need to build up your substance stamina again.”
I hated having such big blanks in my memory. Drugs fucked everyone up, but since my body had been used to it before, I’d been able to function a lot better back then.
Now, I barely had any and I couldn’t remember a damn thing.
“Anything else happen that I should know about?” I asked, and he smirked.
“Nothing bad. You’ve got some new porn on your phone though. You’re welcome. You wanted me to send it to you.”