Page 47 of Sensual Abduction
“Come on,” he said, grabbing my hand.
The driver of the truck got out and followed us inside along with Lance. Once the door closed, Ahmad introduced us.
“Nala, this is Rico. Rico, this is Nala.”
He extended a hand and smiled at me. “Nice to meet you.”
“You two can head down to the basement,” Ahmad said to him and Lance. “I’ll be down in a little bit.”
The two of them nodded and headed for the basement stairs. I led him over to the couch and we sat down. That was when I noticed the dried blood on him.
“Oh my God! What happened!”
“I got shot.”
“I’m good, Bunny. It’s just a flesh wound.”
“It’s still a fucking bullet wound, Ahmad.”
“I mean, you can play doctor and take care of that for me.” He said that with a smirk, causing me to punch him in his good arm.
“This is no laughing matter. Where is the first aid kit?”
“I’ll get it.”
He stood from the couch and went to get the kit. I shook my head as he came back with a whole ass duffle bag.
“I’m not even gonna ask,” I said when he placed it on the table in front of me.
“Listen, in this line of work, you gotta be prepared for anything.”
He sat down, and I helped him take off his shirt. We sat quietly as I cleaned and disinfected the area before preparing to stitch him up. He didn’t even flinch as I stuck him with the needle.
“Have you been shot before?” I asked quietly.
“Nah. I don’t know which one of them motherfuckas shot me, but I’m sure I got his ass.”
“Were… were there a lot of bodies?”
“There was enough.”
I shook my head. “I can’t believe I have you doing this.”
“You don’t have me doing anything. Yo’ nigga threatened me and now I’m gonna make him stand on that. I did find out why he was looking for you all of a sudden.”
“He had to find a new connect. Those Columbians he was getting his product from discontinued service with him a year ago and the nigga he was getting work from was trash. He was losing all types of money. The only way he could get back in with the Columbians was if he paid the half million dollars he owed to them… the money you took. Did he really think you’d still have half a million dollars after six years?”
“I have a good bit of it left, Ahmad.”
“You serious?”
I sighed and gave him the rundown of what I’d done with the money. Other than the rent payments on my house and my car purchase, I hadn’t been spending the money recklessly. Of course, I had to take care of myself and Kari until I found a decent paying job in Cali, but other than that, every dime went into her account when I made those monthly small deposits. What hadn’t been deposited was sitting in a safe in my home.