Page 63 of Sensual Abduction
Ahmad’s face softened. “I want to see you when this is over,” he confessed. “I wanna take you out on a date. I wanna get to know your stubborn, petty ass and I wanna know Rabbit.”
“How are we gonna do that? I don’t know where I want to be when this is over. I wanna be close to my parents, but Georgia is full of terrible memories for me. I feel like I’d be looking over my shoulder at every turn and that’s no way to live. I like Cali. Kari and I have built a nice life together there. I have a job doing what I love. Kari loves her school, and she adores her nanny. How am I supposed to give up the peace we had once this is over? And then there’s you. I don’t even know where you live.”
He chuckled. “I live in Cali.”
My eyes widened. “You do?”
“I do.”
I punched him in the chest. “Why the hell wouldn’t you tell me that!”
“It never came up.”
“When you were mad at my comment would have been the perfect time to say something, Ahmad.”
“You’d already pissed me off. I wasn’t saying shit.”
I shook my head. “I see we will have to work on communication skills.”
“Give me some grace. This shit is new to me, a’ight?”
He pulled me back into his chest and kissed me again. My heart softened when he pressed his forehead to mine.
“I won’t get everything right… but I’ll try. I promise.”
I nodded. “That’s all I ask.”
We shared yet another sensual kiss that had his dick bricking up inside me once again. In no time, I was on my back, and he was digging in my guts. I wasn’t sure where this was going to go, but we were already this far in into craziness. We might as well go full throttle.
Ilooked at the time on the nightstand.
1:53 a.m.
Bunny and I had fallen asleep on the rug in front of the fireplace after our second round of make-up sex. Make-up sex. I’d never had no fucking make-up sex with any female. This newfound attachment I’d inherited for her and her daughter was crazy as hell to me, but I didn’t protest it.
I couldn’t describe the way she made me feel. It was a heap of emotions—anger, lust, strong like, and admiration were just a few of them. Possessive was leaning into those feelings as well, but I didn’t want to be possessive over Bunny. She already had that fuck nigga take her out of her element, and that was something I didn’t care to repeat.
She needed freedom, stability, comfort, and fidelity. I wouldn’t be the nigga to clock her every move. I just wanted to know that she was safe at all times. I didn’t want to forgive her ass because I didn’t want to get my feelings hurt if she decided that leaving me was in her best interest.
I wouldn’t stop her, but not having them here would have certainly put me back in my feelings. I had no clue if or when she would come back—I thought she would have stayed another day or two or decide to leave all together. I couldn’t deny that seeing them pull up made me smile inside, especially my Rabbit.
Baby girl definitely left an impression on me. I actually enjoyed having conversations with her. Well, she did most of the talking while I listened, laughed, and replied. Bunny’s ass thought she was slick coming to put that pussy on me to make me forgive her ass.
Just the feel of her body did shit to me that I never wanted to give up. She got to me. These confused ass feelings we both had for each other was nothing more than us fighting the attraction we had for one another. I knew it was because of how we met, but in all honesty, I was feeling her the moment her picture popped in my email. I was secretly hoping she would be ugly in person, but the photo didn’t do her justice.
As she lay on my chest with light snores mixing with the thunder and rain outside, I heard the upstairs door open.
“Shit,” I whispered, shaking her awake.
“Mommy?” Kari called out.
“Makari’s awake.”
She popped her head up, then scrambled to find her robe. I hurried and slipped on my shorts as she tied her robe.