Page 67 of Sensual Abduction
The front door opened, and my parents stepped out. I pointed them out to Kari, and she screamed.
“Nana! Papa!”
She quickly unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door. She slammed it shut and ran up to them where my father scooped her up in his arms. I smiled as I watched them smother her little cheeks with kisses.
“You good?” Ahmad asked.
“I’m good.”
He climbed out of the car and came around to open my door. I slid out and looped my arm through his. My father’s eyes fell upon us as we made our way up the steps. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly as he balanced Kari on his hip.
“Baby girl, it’s so good to see your pretty face.”
“It’s good to see you too, Daddy. Hey, Mama.”
I hugged her tightly as well before reclaiming my spot next to Ahmad.
He extended his hand. “Mr. and Mrs. Stanton. Nice to see you again.”
“Mmm hmm,” my father mumbled.
My mother elbowed him. “Lionel.” She shook Ahmad’s hand with a soft smile. “Thank you for bringing our babies to us. Y’all come inside for a second.”
I didn’t miss her smile brightening as she invited us in. They were up to something. She held the door open. As I started to walk in, she held Ahmad back, but motioned me inside. The moment I stepped foot inside, I was greeted by so many of my family members screaming, “Surprise!”
I damn near jumped out of my skin as I looked around at the familiar faces. There was a huge Welcome Home banner and balloons. Someone shot a confetti cannon and others were blowing whistles. My hand flew to my chest. I didn’t know who to hug first. The decision was made for me when they all crowded around me, pulling me into their arms one by one. I was overcome with emotion. I was so happy to see them, but it was like a sensory overload.
There were too many familiar voices, scents, and faces. Too many hands were touching me. It felt like my throat was closing up and I couldn’t breathe. I started hyperventilating, causing everybody to take a step back as I struggled to catch my breath. I felt a set of hands on my face and looked up to see Ahmad.
“You’re having a panic attack,” he said softly. “Look at me. Focus on your breathing.” He demonstrated and I tried to mimic his breathing pattern. “You’re doing good,” he said, nodding. “Keep breathing. In and out.”
I followed his instructions until I felt like my lungs were clear again. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, but all I could focus on was him.
“Better?” he asked.
I nodded. He kissed my forehead and pulled me into a warm hug. Immediately, I felt safe in his arms. My parents looked on in confusion with my father wearing a frown. I finally pulled away from him and turned to address my family.
“I’m sorry,” I said softly. “That was just a little much. It’s been so long. I promise, I’m so happy to see each of you. I just… I felt very crowded.”
“It’s okay, baby,” my mother said, rubbing my back. “Why don’t you all head out back and give Nala a little space.”
My family gave me sympathetic smiles as they filed out of the living room and headed for the back door.
“I’m sorry, baby. We weren’t thinking when we invited everybody over.”
“It’s okay, Ma. I’m happy to know I was missed and still very loved.”
“I hope there was never a doubt. I know you can’t stay long, but everyone will be waiting for you when you get back. We’re gonna put something on the grill and celebrate you being home.”
She cupped my face and kissed my cheeks before pulling me in for another hug. When we parted, she turned to Ahmad, speaking lowly.
“You make sure she comes back.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You and I are gonna have a little chat when you two return,” my father said.
Ahmad chuckled. “Yes, sir.”