Page 20 of When In Rome
“You?” It’s a question that has her halting her words. “Only, I’m not leaving you. I asked you to go with me, remember? I asked you to leave with me…and you said no.”
“I can’t go.”
All during our fight, I’ve been walking closer to her until I’m right in front of her. I touch her cheek softly, “Then come with me to see me off.”
We hold each other’s gaze for a long pregnant moment before she gives me a quick short nod.
“And give me something to come back home to.” I push her so she’s off balance.
Her eyes show her shock as she starts to fall backwards only to land on the bed. I am on her before she can think of anything to say in retaliation. Our lips crash against one another and I’m pretty sure she’s forgotten she is only wearing a pair of thin silk panties that barely cover her since her hands come up to wrap around me.
I don’t think she realizes what she is offering me when she wraps her legs and arms around me instead of pushing me away from her, but I do. I take her mouth until she is breathless and then make my way down the thin column of her throat leaving kisses as I go. Her hands run over my back, her touch burns through the material of my shirt like it’s made of the thinnest material known to man.
I’m so lost in the kisses that it takes me a few minutes to realize she’s worked the buttons on my shirt open. The touch of her hands trailing down my bare body has my whole being seizing up, ready to burst. When our bare skin touches, both of us pull back to take in deep gulps of air at the sensation.
I drop my mouth lower and take her tightly furled nipple between my lips. She arches off the bed, pushing herself further into my touch, my kiss. Her little body is so receptive, so responsive, it makes it hard to stay in control and not take things too far. Especially when she is moving against me like flames licking up a dry wall. Sunshine is an apt name for her because she’s a little ball of fire and heat and I’m nothing but tender to her inferno, engulfed and combustible. I have been since I first laid eyes on her.
Our lips come back together as I run my hands down her body and over her hips, trying to touch every part of her, to imprint her on my memory. I go back to sucking and licking her hardened raspberry nipples as I give in just a little and give her what she wants, moving and sliding against her.
Her hands come up to cup the back of my head and hold me to her even tighter. Like I could ever leave this, ever walk away. She rides over the hard swell of my cock in the front of my pants as her fingers start to work my belt loose. Knowing it won’t end if she succeeds, I grab her wrists and bring them over her head so I can retain some semblance of control.
This time when I drop my head to play with her breasts I move against her, fast and hard and rough as I work to get both of us off. I take both of her wrists in one of my hands and use the other one to explore the curves and contours of her body. First her breasts, and then further down.
I push her panties to the side and flutter my hands over her soft flesh causing her eyes to widen and her breath to catch in her throat. I keep my touch light until she makes her mind up about whether she wants me to go further or stop where we are. When she moans and arches into my touch like a cat seeking affection, I don’t disappoint her or make her ask me twice. I explore the velvety softness soaked and begging for me to ready it.
My lips curl at the end and I can’t even begin to imagine how wolfish I must look. “You can call me Rome, Sunshine. No need for deification.”
Her eyes narrow for just a second before they fall closed again and she’s giving me sweet, loud little moans. I find her clit and rub against it. And it only takes once. She gasps and this time when she arches into me she grabs my wrist to hold me to her as she tenses up and shakes through a release that has her screaming my name.
“Oh God!”
I come back to her mouth and kiss her as deeply as I want to sink my cock into her. “Rome, baby. Rome.”
“Rome.” She agrees sleepily and curls up around me like that same cat I saw her as before and all but purrs out my name as she starts to drift off.
I stay until I am sure she is resting well… and then I go to work making plans for us. It’s what I do best, see something I want, go after it until it’s mine, and let nothing or no one stop me. Only this time is different. This time I’m not letting go. Ever!
My little sunshine doesn’t realize it just yet, but she’s mine. And always will be!
Chapter Eighteen
I wake up alone. At first, I was super scared that I missed him and he’d already left for the airport. I should be embarrassed I let him do what he did but, when I think about it, all I feel is horny and excited. And a deep need to do it again. Is that normal? Is this why women chase after men, dress for them, and preen when they give them attention? Am I okay being that person?
…yeah! Yeah I am!
I dress quickly and head for his office but don’t find him there. Instead, I find him in the living room with his bags packed, and my mood crashes. I can tell by the light outside we aren’t going to have the time to do what we did in the bedroom again before he has to go.
He seems so calm, so unphased. I realize I told him I would send him off, but I think that might not be such a good idea for me. I think it might make it hurt worse.
“I have to be boarded by nine which doesn’t leave very much time.”
“Okay.” I guess, it’s not the only thing that could make this worse. The way he’s acting isn’t helping anything either.