Page 6 of When In Rome
Before I can retaliate, the big bastard is gone. I am left staring at the ceiling wondering which one of us won that round. Not the whole war because there will be other battles. I have no plans to let him win, to just walk away and not get him back.
When I prop myself up on my elbows, I find that he has moved my suitcase close enough that I don’t have to walk to reach it and he’s brought my shoes over to the bed as well. It’s a sweet move.
I know I need to dress and get back down there before that slick son of a bitch tries to make a deal with my sister and ends up owning me. Or some shit like that since he is such a…a…bad man. Saying it like that just takes the overall effect out of it and leaves me looking childish, damn it.
I barely pull my shorts up and button them when a loud bang grabs my attention. Did someone just throw something or…? I am out of the bedroom and in the hallway by the stairs in the span of a heartbeat to check on my sister.
What I see pulls me up short and makes my blood run cold. Some guy is standing in front of Roan pointing a fucking gun at him while my sister is behind him. Even Roman is standing close to the two of them like he might be trying to keep my sister safe too. It’s really sweet of him, but not something I need to be thinking about right now.
“Shut up! Just shut the fuck up!”
I actually flinch at the anger in his words. This guy is really mad. Not just psycho-mad but fucking angry. At life, at himself, at my sister. The last has some of his words being drowned out by the thumping of my heart. It’s so loud I can’t hear anything for a moment and I really worry I might fuck up and pass out.
I can’t do that! I can’t let someone hurt my sister! I can’t! I have to do something.
“I love you! I will make you happy!”
“Roan makes me happy!”
Aww. Now I really have to do something as the guy’s whole posture starts to change. He’s going to do something bad soon. Even if all I do is grab his attention and get him to shoot at me, at least that will give Roan time to take him down and tackle the son of a bitch.
“That’s okay, Summer.” I start down the stairs trying to be as quiet and quick as I can be. “I don’t think you’ll feel the same way about him after I kill him!”
I see my sister’s look of utter panic, and something snaps in me. I go on autopilot as my own anger wells up. No one makes my sister look that way. No one gets to ruin something so beautiful and sacred! No one!
“Nooo!” Summer cries out just as my fingers wrap around the chair I was tied to not moments before.
“Hey, Scott!” I call out his name as I rear back with the chair. As soon as he turns to look at me, I swing as hard as I can, right at his head. “You creepy bastard!”
It pushes him off balance and just like I thought, Roan takes the opportunity I gave him to crash into the guy. I turn worried eyes to Roman who thankfully has my sister and silently tell him not to let her go.
They tussle closer to me until the guy is standing in front of me and the way he looks at me I can tell I am on his short list of people he wants to do great bodily harm to. I have never seen such hate. He shoves me so hard I fall back before I can try to catch myself. But he also gives me an excellent view of something I want very badly.
By the time I have pulled myself towards it, Roan is standing over the guy’s limp body making it kind of redundant. My sister runs to him, and I swear, it is just like something off a fucking rom-com. If I could be sure everything is fine, I would get a little misty-eyed at the fucking romance of it all.
“Rome, where’s that rope you used to tie Summer’s sister to the chair? And do you have fucking more of it?”
I see Rome run by and take the steps two at a time. As he disappears upstairs new people are coming into the place. I think one of them might be Pearl, Summer’s friend.
“What the hell is going on?” The man with her looks around and starts talking to Roan as Pearl comes over to my sister.
“Oh my God, Summer! What happened? Nolia,” she finally notices me, “what are you doing here? Who is the guy on the floor?”
Right behind me, Rome speaks up nearly scaring the shit out of me. Needless to say, I am going to be a little jumpy for a couple of days. “Pearl? What are you doing here?”
It doesn’t take long for me to realize Pearl is Rome’s brother. And that means…he’s not the intruder…I am. Great! Hopefully, he won’t press charges. I look over and notice he is looking at me.
“I came home to a surprise.”
I roll my eyes at him. Unbelievable. The guy’s ego knows no bounds. Before I can think of a witty comeback, people are shouting and Roan is spinning my sister so he is in front of her yet again. The sound of a gun echoes through the room and the autopilot thing turns back on. I dive for the floor as Summer and Roan fall backwards.
Another bang echoes through the room and everybody turns towards me. Everyone…except Scott. He is on the ground holding his leg… where I shot him.
“No one is fucking up my sister’s happy ever after, you fucker!”
Rome comes over and takes the gun from my hand as more people begin flooding into the room. All of the adrenaline, stress, fear, and worry coalesce inside of me and as soon as I look into Rome’s bright blue eyes everything starts to go a little gray around the edges and my knees start to give under me.
All I feel from that moment on are strong arms wrapped around me keeping me from sinking to the floor. Strong arms….and bright midnight blue eyes.