Page 94 of Emerald Vices
“Where’s Katya?”
Mila checks her phone from the couch where she dropped it after the fourth time I asked the same question. “She just texted. She’s on her way.”
I appreciate Mila being here, I do. But Kat is my hype girl. She knows what to say to get my ass in gear. Sure, sometimes, she talks me into crashing a wedding and I end up pregnant with twins, but a lot of the time, she says just enough to get me out the door and having a good time.
I’ve never needed that so badly.
I eye the midnight-blue dress hanging on the wall with skepticism. “What if it doesn’t fit?”
Mila groans. “Your makeup looks great, the shoes won’t break your toes, and the dress is going to fit like a dream. We’ve been over this.”
“The dress fit last week, but I think I put on ten pounds in the last two days.”
“That’s literally, scientifically impossible.”
“Five pounds then. I swear.”
“Natalia,” Mila sighs, “you need to—” I’m positive she’s about to tell me I need to get a grip, which wouldn’t be completely unjustified. But then the door bursts open and Katya rushes in.
“Sorry!” she cries. “I couldn’t get a taxi and it was raining downtown and… It doesn’t matter. Natalia, you look amazing.”
“Don’t lie to me.”
She turns to Mila with a grimace. “Things aren’t going well, then?”
I drop my face into my hands. “What are the chances I can get away with pretending to be sick?”
“None at all,” Katya declares, snatching the dress from the hanger and walking it over to me. “I’m not gonna let you back out of this.”
“Why not?”
“Because this is a big freaking deal, Nat. And you need to make an impression tonight.”
“I know. Hence why I want to back out. I look like a planet.”
“Hellooo, Earth to Natalia?” Mila waves a hand in my face. “Do you think Andrey would take you anywhere if he wasn’t desperate to show you off?”
Katya wraps an arm around me. “Look at how far you two have come, Nat. There was a time when Andrey was all frowny and sullen and wouldn’t share your bed. He’s still two of those things, but at least he’s sleeping with you again.”
I swat her arm, but she just laughs.
“Now, here you are, eight months pregnant with his babies, ready to step into his world. Isn’t this what you wanted?”
I give her a silent, reproachful nod.
“Verbal answers only, please.” She curls a hand around her ear. “I need to hear you tell me how right I am.”
“Yes,” I mumble. “Yes, that’s what I’ve always wanted.”
She claps her hands together like that settles it. “Beautiful. Because I’m failing to see this as anything but a good day.”
I lift my eyes to my two best friends. “This is a big step. Meeting the partners and their wives.”
“It is a big step,” Katya agrees. “For a man like Andrey, introducing you to his allies is like a proposal.”
That’s not as comforting as she thinks it is, but before I can point that out, she reaches to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.
I snatch her wrist out of the air. “What the hell is that?”