Page 119 of Emerald Malice
I’m alone for only a couple minutes before I notice Natalia walking across the lawn, Remi prancing at her heels. She makes straight for the kitchen.
“Good morning, Andrey,” she says with a crisp formality when she slips through the French doors. “Mind if I join you?”
I nod towards the chair and she drops into it, touching the gold locket around her neck as though it will give her courage.
Courage for what, I have no idea.
I have nothing to say, so the kitchen is silent.
“I want to go see my aunt,” she blurts. “She lives a little outside of the city, but I’ll take my whole security squad if that makes you feel better. I just really need to see her.”
She says it all quickly, like maybe I won’t be able to refuse her if she gets it out fast enough. She’s breathing in, preparing her counterarguments, I’m sure, when I nod. “Okay.”
Her mouth opens and closes in shock before a cautious smile slips across her face. “Great, ‘cause I was thinking I would head over there today.”
I check the time on my Patek Philippe. “Well, I suppose I can push a few things around. Shall we leave in half an hour?”
Her mouth falls right back open again. “Erm… you wanna come with me?”
I don’t want to come with her. The same way I don’t want to pay for security. The same way I don’t want to regularly threaten my enemies into compliance to maintain my control.
This is a business matter, pure and simple. Protecting valuable assets. Allocating resources.
“Extra security never hurts. And besides, I’m sure your aunt must be curious about the man you’re living with.”
Natalia blinks. “Um, yeah. She is, actually.”
“Well, then we might as well get the first meeting over with.”
She bounces up to her feet so fast that Remi jumps back in shock. “Come on, Remi!” she cries delightedly. “We’re going for a little drive!”
“No!” I call out after her as she and Remi disappear through the back door. “We’re not taking the dog!”
Thirty minutes later, a massive German Shepherd is drooling on the shoulder of my shirt and getting hair all over my Aston Martin.
“The dog rides in the back or not at all.”
Natalia frowns at me, but lovingly cradles Remi’s head. “Oh, come on, he’ll behave. He just wants to be close to me.”
“Then keep him far from me,” I warn. “Or we put him in the Wrangler with the boys. Your choice.”
Natalia rolls her eyes, but orders Remi to lie down in the backseat. Showing he was every bit worth the fortune I spent, he obeys.
“I’ll have to get the car detailed after this.”
“You can afford it.” Natalia smirks. “Aunt Annie hasn’t met Remi yet. I had to bring him along.”
“The dog will survive one outing without you.”
She looks innocently at me. “But he’s my emotional support animal. What if I have a sudden attack of PTSD?”
“I’ll be with you,” I remind her.
“No offense, but you’re a lot less cuddly than he is.”
I give Remi a disgruntled glare in the rearview mirror, and I swear he licks his chops.
Natalia is twisted towards me the entire drive, but only so she can keep one hand on Remi’s neck at all times.