Page 179 of Emerald Malice
Only one is safe to cut. Only one will stop the bomb from detonating before the twelve—no, fuck—eleven minutes are up.
Natalia is shaking, the chair rattling against the wood floor from the force of her tremors. “Go, Andrey. Just g-go. It’s too late.”
“Don’t you do that,” I snarl. “Don’t you fucking give up.”
“Please,” she rasps. “We don’t both have to die…”
Suddenly, the door flies open.
I lunge for the gun, ready to fight tooth and nail for the opportunity to snip one of these wires. At least then, Natalia and I would die together. At least she wouldn’t watch me die in front of her.
But it’s only Shura, followed by a blood-splattered Leonty and Efrem.
“Fuck…” Shura mutters, inching forward cautiously. “Is that what I think it is?”
Our eyes meet. I know I’m asking a lot from him, but the alternative is not an option. And when he gives me a solemn nod in return, I know he will be with us to the end.
“Leonty, Efrem—get our men out of the house.” I glance at the timer on the vest.
Nine minutes.
Leonty stiffens. “I’m not leaving.”
“Don’t fucking question me. I gave you an order and I expect it to be followed.”
When he still doesn’t yield, I grab him and pull him so close that only he’ll be able to hear what I have to say. “If Shura is unsuccessful, everyone on this block will be reduced to ash. Go, brother. You have Mila to think of now.”
That, at last, seems to get through to him. He slumps in resignation and turns towards the door, but I grab him again. “Leonty, you’re my cousin. I trust you. If this goes wrong, avenge me and my family.”
He shakes his head. “I… Andrey, you’re not going to?—”
I don’t have time for empty optimism. Neither does Natalia.
I push him out of the room and slam the door.
Shura’s kneeling next to her, plucking at the wires of the vest and muttering softly to himself.
Seven minutes.
Natalia’s eyes are trained on the floor. They’re wide and empty, her jaw slack. I drop down in front of her and cup her face. “Come back to me, little bird.”
She blinks through a fog I can’t see, finally focusing her eyes on mine.
“I’m sorry.” I clasp her hand tightly, hoping she knows how much I mean it. “I should have come to you first and dealt with Slavik later.”
She blinks again and a tear falls down her cheek. I lean forward and catch it between my lips. Five minutes.
“Andrey, please,” she whispers. “Take Shura… Just go.”
Shura’s still muttering under his breath, so I answer for the both of us. “We’re all leaving, lastochka. You included. Mila and Katya are waiting for you at the manor. So is Misha. And Remi.”
More tears spill down her cheeks.
Four minutes.
“M-Misha…” she sobs. “He doesn’t need to lose another person.”