Page 87 of Emerald Malice
I can get behind the words just fine; it’s her tone I object to. It’s entirely too teasing to have any real sting behind them.
She doesn’t talk to me like that, that’s for damn sure.
“Trust me: I read it in a pregnancy magazine once. It’s totally legit. Pregnant women need regular sex to maintain a healthy pregnancy.”
My hands ball into tight fists.
“And why would you of all people be reading a pregnancy magazine?” Natalia asks incredulously.
“My sister was pregnant at the time. I wanted to be a supportive brother.”
He moves his hand to Natalia’s lower back. I take another step into the room.
You could kill him right now, suggests a voice in my head. He’d never even know who did it.
“That’s the reason for the glow, you realize,” Byron is saying in a serious voice. “If a pregnant woman is not getting enough sex, she doesn’t glow. And you, my friend, are not glowing.”
My fist twitches. It’s going to feel so fucking good to bury it in his face.
But it does beg the question: why isn’t she beating me to that (literal) punch? Why isn’t she telling this creepy fuck to stay the hell away from her?
I shower her with amazing orgasms and expensive gifts and she despises me. This pompous horn-dog effectively insults her and she’s still cackling in his office.
“All I’m saying is that I’d be totally prepared to step in and help bring back that glow.”
“Byron!” Natalia exclaims. “Stop.”
“Yes, Byron.” My tone contains all the acidity that Natalia’s lacks. “Stop.”
“Jesus, Andrey!” They both whirl around, but only Natalia takes a step closer. “What are you doing here?”
Byron clears his throat. “Mr. Kuznetsov, I—we, uh… weren’t expecting you.”
“That was the point.” I step further into his pathetic little office, noticing the sad collection of employee awards displayed like big game animals on the wall opposite the window. “Tell me, Byron: is it a common practice of yours to sexually harass your female employees? Or is Natalia special?”
Natalia’s flushed cheeks burn even brighter. Byron just opens and closes his mouth like a goldfish.
It’s Natalia who recovers first. “You shouldn’t be here.”
I ignore her, keeping my gaze fixed on Byron. “I’m waiting for a response, Byron.”
He swallows hard and tries to smile, but the corners of his lips don’t seem to want to obey. The effect makes him look constipated. “I was only j-j-joking. Just a joke… no harm done… Natalia and I—” My fists are squeezed so hard now, I can practically feel the tendons threatening to snap. “—have a rap-p-port.”
“What you call ‘rapport,’ I would call ‘a very viable lawsuit.’”
“That’s enough!” Natalia snaps, striding forward and putting her hand on my chest. Only then do I realize I’ve been slowly advancing on them. “Andrey, you have no right to barge into my workplace and cause trouble with my coworkers.”
My blood is heating to a boil. It’s a wonder I haven’t set off the damn fire alarms in this shithole.
Her defense of him has given Byron some false confidence, because he draws himself up to full height and looks me dead in the eye. “I think it’s clear that Ms. Boone would like you to leave.”
I brush Natalia aside and take a step towards him. Every inch I get closer to him steals another inch from his posture, until he’s slumped and cowering in my shadow.
“Oh, and you know what Ms. Boone wants, do you?”