Page 1 of Harvey
Chapter 1
He was bone weary, Harvey realized as he dragged the dirty T-shirt over his head and dumped it into the hamper inside his room. Missing its mark, it landed a few inches away, due no doubt to the overflowing content of the basket.
He was going to have to do laundry soon, or he would run the peril of running out of underwear. Either that, or he could pick some up on his way to the work site tomorrow.
Stripping off the faded denim, caked with mud, he left it where it was and entered the shower. Closing his eyes, he ducked his head under the lukewarm water and allowed it to beat down on him.
Blindly reaching for the shower gel, he poured it over his head and lathered it into his thick ink ink-black hair. He had contemplated cutting the long strands that almost reached his back several times but decided against it.
Turning off the tap, he passed his hands over his hair and stepped out of the shower. Reaching for the towel, he wrapped it over his head and strolled into the bedroom, stopping short and hissing out a frustrated breath when he saw the man sitting on the only chair.
Completely unashamed of his nudity, he made his way to the chest of drawers and yanked out the second drawer.
“This is becoming a damn habit, and before you admonish me about swearing, let me remind you this is my fricking place.” Picking out a well-worn pair of sweats, he put it on and turned to face his brother.
“I brought you food.”
“I ate at the job site, and you are not my damned servant.” Biting off a sigh as Silas continued to stare at him, he sat on the edge of the bed and took the proffered dish.
“Antoine made duck, and I know it’s your favorite. And Mom told you she will send someone to do some cleaning.” Silas’ light green eyes glimmered in amusement at the look on his face.
Both men were brothers, but as unalike as two people could ever be, and it was not just in looks; they were as different as night and day. Unsurprisingly, Harvey was adopted into the family when he was six years old after the Blackwoods gave up all hope of ever having children.
Two years after the adoption, they discovered that they would have a baby. But they loved Harvey as if he were their biological son. Harvey had long black hair and silver eyes. He was six feet three inches tall, with bulging muscles and tanned skin that indicated he spent most of his time outdoors.
Silas was seemingly unassuming, with ash-blonde hair and light green eyes. He was three inches shorter than his brother and did not have the smoldering sexuality that emanated from Harvey in waves.
Both men had chosen paths that had taken their parents a long time to accept. Harvey did not care about the multi-billion-dollar fortune. Instead of going into the corporate office, he worked on housing projects in the various areas acquired by Blackwood Housing Corporation. He slung hammers and drilled walls with the rest of the team.
Silas had chosen to go into ministry and was soon to be a full-fledged priest of the local congregation.
“I will talk to her.”
“That’s not going to make a difference, and you know it.”
Dipping the fork into the tender meat, he took an appreciative bite and eyed his brother.
“What brings you here?”
“My ceremony is in two weeks.”
“I am aware. Why?”
“I would like your word that you will be there.” Leaning forward, Silas propped his elbows on his knees and gave him an entreating look. “I know you think you don’t believe in God- “
“I don’t think I know,” Harvey stated. “Nonetheless, it’s important to you so that I will show.”
“And stay for the entire thing? It’s important to me that you do.”
“You ask a hell of a lot.”
“You are my brother,” Silas told him simply.
Harvey felt the familiar lurch of his heart. For the first few years, he had waited for the couple who adopted him to send him back and had preempted them by doing everything in his power to make them change their minds.
When he discovered they would have their baby, he doubled his efforts, but no matter what he did or how atrocious his behavior was. They had patiently shown him they were his parents; nothing he did would change that. Silas had been drawn to him since birth and had followed him around like a lost puppy.
Nothing he did had turned him off, and Harvey finally discovered that he was as much a part of the family as the son who had been born into it. He had been sent to the best schools and had graduated at the top of his class at Yale without putting much effort into his studies.