Page 16 of Harvey
“There is no reason to panic,” Harvey said, forcing himself to be calm and rational since his brother appeared to be falling apart. The ceremony was not consummated. It’s a simple matter to get it annulled.” He looked from one to another, puzzled that the solution had not been taken well. “What is it?”
This time, it was Kendra who explained. “It cannot be annulled. The ceremony took place in the chapel in front of several witnesses. The church has zero tolerance for divorce, and especially since this is your brother’s official act as an ordained minister, if we go ahead and get an annulment, he would be finished.”
Harvey stared at her briefly, trying to determine if she was making it up. His eyes swung to his brother, and he saw the sick look on his face, a face that had been leached of color.
“Is this true?”
“Yes,” He whispered hoarsely, eyes bright with tears he was trying to fight.
“That’s complete bullshit. Surely there must be a way to explain to the higher-ups that this was all a misunderstanding? After all, you tried to ensure you were good enough to meet their high standards. If they are so forgiving, this mistake can be brushed aside. It’s not your damn fault that the mail was late.”
Silas shook his head. “You are required to stay married for at least a year.” He said tensely. “If you go ahead and annul the marriage, I am ruined.” He looked at his brother, the abject misery plain on his face. “I know you must hate me- “
“I don’t damn hate you!” Shoving to his feet, he paced to the window. “I just want you to try and find a way out of this frigging mess. I don’t want to be married, especially not to someone I did not and would not choose- “he glanced at Kendra and noticed the rigid set on her face. “No offense.”
“None taken.” She told him icily. “And you are the last person I would ever want to be tied to.”
Harvey smiled grimly. “So, we agree. Find a way out of this, and don’t contact me until you have done so.” Without a word of goodbye, he strode out of the store and banged the door shut behind him.
The silence he left behind was tense, and neither knew what to say.
“I should get us some tea,” Kendra murmured.
“Please don’t trouble yourself.” Silas felt as if he was waking up from a profound sleep. He had never felt so tired in his life. “I am sorry for putting you through this, Kendra.”
“I know you are. When are you going to tell him that there is no way out?” she asked him quietly.
“I am waiting until he calms down.” He tried to smile, but it fell flat.
“I have a feeling that’s going to take some time.”
“Yes.” He agreed hoarsely. “You must hate me.”
“No.” She shook her head. “It’s a trying situation that I do not want to be in, but I am not going to be a party to you ruining what you worked so long and hard to achieve.”
His eyes flared with hope as he stared at her. “You mean- “
“I will continue with this farce if that man agrees.”
He grasped both of her hands in gratitude, his expression telling. “I know it would be a sacrifice- “
“You have no idea.” She told him feelingly.
Silas huffed out a laugh. “He is never going to forgive me.”
“He loves you.” She pointed out softly.
Taking a deep breath, he nodded. “I will have to find a way to get through to him.”
“Give him some time to cool down first,” Kendra suggested.
“There is something else.”
“Oh no.”
“You are going to have to live together.”
Pulling her hands away, Kendra rose and went to the trestle table to fiddle with the flowers.