Page 23 of Harvey
“Well-“ He had no idea what to say next. “Thanks, I guess.”
Inclining her head gracefully, she rose, and he got to his feet to escort her out. “Dinner is at seven. Kendra should be on her way to the manor now.”
“And Silas?”
“He stayed back to deal with someone who took ill. I think he has accompanied the person to the hospital.” Turning at the door, she touched his arm, tilting her head to stare at him.
A smile touched her lips as her eyes wandered over the handsome face with the stubborn chin and the hard contours of his jaw. There was a shadow there, and she knew from experience that no matter how often he shaved, there was still scruff to contend with.
“What is it? Something on my face?” He asked her dryly.
“You are so handsome, and I am proud to call you my son.” Her voice was husky with emotion, and Harvey felt a familiar funny feeling in the pit of his stomach at her words and the look on her face.
“Mother- “
“You are a good man even when you pretend you are not. I love you so much, darling.”
He had to swallow the thick lump that had lodged itself inside his throat. “You have become quite the expert at manipulation, I see.” He murmured hoarsely, no proof against all that.
“I am just stating facts, my darling.” Going on her toes, she kissed him on the lips gently. “I am looking forward to seeing you later.” With a wave, she was gone, leaving him staring after her and shaking his head.
Chapter 6
She was deliberately ignoring him, and he realized it. He also had a feeling everyone around the dinner table knew as much. He had stayed at his place until the last minute, not wanting to be roped in to see her when she arrived or asked to escort her to her rooms. He had left that to the rest of the family.
By the time he had arrived, the family was already going into the formal dining room, which suited him very well. He had taken the chair across from her and could see every nuance of her expressive face.
His parents went out of their way to make sure she was comfortable. After unsuccessfully trying to strike up a conversation with him, Silas seated next to her, gave up and joined his parents to engage Kendra in a lively discussion about her shop.
Leaning back in the chair, Harvey picked up his glass and sipped the burgundy, automatically appreciating the taste and texture. He had been taught from an early age to enjoy the finer things in life and knew an excellent vintage when he tasted one.
He thought cynically that the family had gone all out to welcome ‘bride and groom’ home. The table was covered with a snowy white linen tablecloth, and the best utensils had been used, not to mention that Antoine had outdone himself.
The veal and lamb chops were superb. His bride was dressed for the occasion, wearing a stunning lime green dress that made her look decidedly virginal and alluring.
He had been so deep in thought that he had not realized the conversation had lulled and that his dad had directed a question to him.
“I was asking about the electrical problems you were experiencing at the site. Has it been sorted out?”
Putting down his glass, he turned to give the man an amused look. “We both know that everything that happens at all the sites is reported to you immediately. Not to mention that your nosy and completely annoying assistant was there yesterday afternoon. Doesn’t he have enough work to do?”
“He likes to keep me apprised,” Gregory told him mildly. “And his presence keeps the men on their toes.”
“His presence makes the men nervous and unable to do their jobs. You are micromanaging, and it’s not appreciated.”
“I wouldn’t have to resort to it if you did the reporting yourself.”
Lifting his thick black brows, Harvey shook his head. “It’s called spying, Dad, and I spent years trying to show the men that I am not just the boss’s son for me to want to spoil it. I am one of the guys who want to keep it that way.”
“Only you are not. Technically, you are their boss, and they know that.”
“They have moved past that technicality, and I am good with things the way they are.”
“Harvey- “