Page 45 of Harvey
“I thought everyone had eaten already.” He murmured as he stepped into the room.
“Your father had a late meeting, and Silas is at the chapel. Along with Kendra.”
“Oh?” He selected a plate from the sideboard and helped himself to some lamb and sweet potatoes.
“I think they have a function coming up, and she volunteered to help.”
“It’s late.” He pointed out.
“I am sure they are both okay.” Julia put her utensils down and stared at him. “I did not expect you home for dinner.”
He shrugged at that and reached for his glass of water. “I wanted a home-cooked meal, so I decided to come home for one. Anything wrong with that?”
“I am thrilled. It allows me to have a conversation with my son.”
“If that conversation involves my marriage, I am not in the mood.” He warned.
“It involves the function on Saturday- “
“I already said I am not going.”
Biting off a sigh, Julia picked up her wineglass and eyed him over the rim. “Won’t you at least try?”
Deliberately misunderstanding her, he responded. “You know how I feel about those things.”
“You know well that I am talking about you and Kendra.”
“And I told you I am not going to talk about that. I mean it, mother, stay out of it.”
“How can I?” She asked him softly. “This is a chance for you to find some happiness- “
“I am already happy.” Digging into his meal, he wondered furiously why he was not allowed peace and wished he had stayed at the trailer and had the stale mac and cheese in the fridge for more than two weeks. He did not want to talk or think about her, but that’s all he had done since seeing her.
“Are you?”
“Yes.” He bit out, snagging the wineglass, and took a swallow.
“She is such a lovely young woman- “
“And let me guess-“ He said sardonically. “You want a real marriage and see grandkids everywhere you look.”
“I do see grandchildren everywhere I look.” She continued, undaunted by his forbidding expression. “But more than that, I want to see you settled, and I have a feeling that rests with Kendra.”
“How do you figure?” he asked coolly.
“She has a perfect effect on you, and I think she is already half in love with you.”
His heart took a swift dive, and for a second, he allowed himself to visualize what that would look like. “I am sure you are wrong,” he muttered. I am not husband material.”
“Darling- “
“Enough!” He rasped. “I came here for a quiet meal, and you are spoiling that for me.”
“Then I will leave you to it then.”
Harvey felt the familiar sinking of his heart at the wounded look on her lovely face as she pushed back her chair. Julia Blackwood had the distinct position of making him feel like shit by just looking at him. And he was feeling as low as dirt right now.
“Mother- “