Page 71 of Harvey
He stopped short as he stepped from the bathroom and into the room, the towel arrested on his head.
“I thought you could use a drink.”
He stood there unmoving, silver eyes wandering over her exquisite face and the wispy black lace clinging to every contour of her body, and he felt the tiredness slipping away to be replaced by surging desire.
“Playing the dutiful wife?” he asked huskily as he approached her.
“I am.” Taking his hand, she led him towards the bed. “I don’t like to see you that way. When you came in, you looked like you were about to drop. Stretch your feet out.” Handing him the drink, she got behind him.
“What now?”
“Just enjoy the scotch, and let me do my thing.”
“I don’t think I am going to be able to stand feeling your breasts pressing against my back.”
“You are going to have to endure it,” she told him smoothly. First, she toweled his hair, slowly massaging his scalp until he felt his body relaxing.
Putting the towel away, she started on his shoulders, running her fingers over the bronzed skin, loving the feel of his muscles flexing beneath her touch. Working upwards, she smoothed her fingers over the corded muscles of his neck.
Putting away the empty glass, Harvey leaned back and closed his eyes as she continued.
“Is this what I must look forward to every night?” he asked huskily.
“Maybe not every night, no.” Bending her head, she brushed her lips over his skin, sending heat flaring through his body. “Special occasions and when I notice my husband is bone tired.” She was nibbling on his neck, and he knew he would soon have to take over.
“Sounds good, something to look forward to. I am starting to like this marriage deal.”
“Hmm.” She trailed kisses down his neck, her hands moving over his chest and going to his flat stomach. “I spent the day thinking about you.”
“What a coincidence.” He whispered raggedly, stopping her hands before they headed further down. “I spent time thinking about you, too.” Twisting his head, he captured her lips in a sizzling kiss. He drew his lips from hers and took a ragged breath before changing position.
“Aren’t you tired?” Her hands came around his neck, and her dark brown eyes were slumberous.
“Suddenly, I am feeling very energized.” He whispered against her mouth as he drove into her. “You are a miracle worker.”
“Aren’t I just?” Lifting her legs, she wrapped them around his waist, her body trembling as he drove into her slowly.
“Kendra.” He felt the lump forming inside his throat. “Kendra.” Her name was like a melody, a song inside his heart that would not be silent. “Sweetheart, I love you. Oh, Christ! I love you so damn much!”
His first declaration, the words she had been patiently waiting to hear from him, brought on a climax that slammed through her body with the force of a gale storm wind and had her crying out his name!
Chapter 16
Two weeks into the Christmas holidays, she realized she was pregnant. Life with Harvey had its ups and downs, and even after declaring his love for her, he was not an easy person to live with. But she could take anything as long as he was with her.
He came to services with her several times without asking him, and she was grateful. She would stand there singing in the choir and notice him staring at her. He wouldn’t say anything afterward, but during those times, his lovemaking would take on a gentleness that would have her crying out his name.
She had insisted on helping with the tree's decoration, leaving the rest to the company Julia had hired to do the interior and exterior. Her husband told her bluntly that he did not believe in the season, but she was determined to convert him.
“How can you not believe in Christmas?” she had asked him in surprise. “I understand that you would not have, considering the awful time you went through at home, but what about afterward?”
“I always knew Santa never existed, and to me, Christmas is just a way for commercial businesses to make a bunch of money off unsuspecting consumers by peddling their goods and services.”
She had stared at him and shook her head. “It’s much more than that.”
“Ah yes, Christ is the reason for the season.”
“He is. Darling, I love you to pieces, but I will not sit by and allow you to spoil this for me.”