Page 75 of Harvey
“Just processing.” Silas grinned at him. “And someone has to keep their composure.”
Walking over, he clasped Harvey on the shoulder. “Congrats, brother. I am very happy for you.”
“She does not suspect anything?” Harvey pressed his brother while looking at his parents.
“She doesn’t. She thinks it’s just another day at church.”
Kendra was now four months pregnant and still not showing. He had been with her to her doctor’s appointment and had been roped into reading the pregnancy books with her.
His entire family was getting on his nerves with excitement they were unable to control. He had devised the plan to remarry her, along with all three, and wanted it to be perfect.
“The dress?”
“I persuaded her to let me buy the white wool with the delicate lace overlay because it’s women’s Sunday,” Julia assured him. She was so excited that she could barely control herself. “I am staying back with her so we can get there in time for everything to be set up.”
“And she does not know I am attending services. Good.” They both disbanded and ended the conversation when they heard her entering the room.
“Anything I should know about?” she asked, looking at them curiously.
“Talking about the soon-to-be new addition to the family,” Julia said with a smile. “That’s all we can talk about. Your husband is sick of the conversation.”
Drawing her into his arms, Harvey studied her face. “Are you okay? You were gone a long time.”
“Just a little queasiness, that’s all. And I wanted to pee.” She pressed a hand to her stomach.
“Our baby is pressing on my bladder.”
“Should I apologize?”
“Not at all.” Wrapping his arms around his neck, she leaned up to kiss him. “You should go.”
“Trying to get rid of me, sweetheart?”
“Never, but I must get ready for services. See you later?”
“Count on it.”
“I feel like a bride,” Kendra said laughingly as she brushed her hands over the beautiful wool dress. The lace was so delicate and beautiful that one had to look closely to realize it was interwoven into the fabric.
She wore a stunning cashmere shawl over her dress to ward off the cold, and her shoes were patent black heels. Julia would have preferred her to wear white but did not want her to become too suspicious.
“We are late.” She fretted.
“We are right on time, my dear.” Julia patted her hand as they made their way towards the heavy oak doors, which were swept open for them by two smiling ushers. She had already sent the word that they were en route and when it was time for the organist and the choir to begin.
“Here, let me- “Deftly turning toward her and preventing her from seeing Harvey standing there, Julia pretended to adjust her shawl before stepping back.
“It’s so – “Her voice petered as two things happened simultaneously. The choir started singing the wedding march, and she saw Harvey standing at the podium, his hands clasped in front of him, and he was wearing a tux; he heated wearing a tux, she thought dazedly as it occurred to her what was happening.
“Julia?” She whispered, turning towards her mother-in-law.
“Your husband wanted to give you a real wedding.” Someone rushed forward and handed her a bouquet, but Julia did not notice; she only saw the man waiting for her, a tender smile on his handsome face. “He knew that your dream wedding was to be wearing white and marrying for love. So, he decided to grant your wish.”
Without a word, she walked towards him and felt like she was floating, her eyes shimmering with tears. Taking her hands in his, he gave the bouquet to his mother. “Hi, baby.”