Page 55 of One More Time
I lifted my chin as I nodded. None of this was perfect, and it was a little messy, but I wasn’t alone.
Chapter Thirty-Three
That afternoon, I walked to the harbor. Even though I’d grown up in Alaska, I still marveled at the sense of time stretching rapidly as the days got longer.
My heart twisted a little in my chest when I thought of Jack. I thought of him far too much. I was trying really hard not to miss him. I’d been busy giving myself plenty of pep talks about how I had never intended to fall in love, and this was all for the best.
As I walked down the street, I impulsively decided to stop by Spill the Beans Café. As bad luck would have it, Cory and Heather were in there. As much as I wanted to turn around and walk out, I didn’t. I reminded myself that he was just a jerk who tried to capitalize on other people’s pain. It stung to feel used like that.
“Hey,” a voice said by my elbow.
I glanced over to see Tessa. “Hey! How is your training going?” I was relieved to have someone to talk to.
She smiled brightly. “I love it.”
Tessa had taken a new job as a local weather reporter. “That’s awesome!”
She waggled her brows. “It actually is! I feel so silly to be so excited.”
“Don’t. You have a job you love. You’ve been scrambling to figure things out since the divorce, and this will make it work.”
“I just hope it goes well.”
Tessa’s formerly sunny and light personality had dimmed far too much during her marriage. I still wanted to kick her ex’s ass when I saw him around town, but I focused on her positive changes instead.
“You’re going to be amazing! I know this for a fact.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re my friend,” she said as we got to the front of the line.
It was crowded here this afternoon, and Hazel and Phyllis worked rapidly to make orders. A few minutes later, we sat down with our coffees.
“I’m really glad things are turning around for you,” I commented.
“Since I finally walked away from the biggest mistake of my life?” Tessa mused, her tone resigned.
“Tessa, we all fuck up.” I thumbed in the direction of Cory.
Tessa didn’t even spare him a glance. “Oh, he’s just an ass. That podcast was a dick move. And you dated him in high school, like forever ago. Who cares? We all get a pass on our poor judgment in dating when we’re young.”
“You should listen to your own advice,” I countered with a warm smile.
She shrugged. “I don’t want to dwell on me. Speaking of…” She nudged her head toward Cory. He and Heather broke up, and he’s moving out of town.”
If I’d been wondering if Cory could still get to me, I knew then he couldn’t. My internal reaction was nothing, so I shrugged. “Moving is a pain in the ass,” I offered.
Tessa’s lips quirked. “Seriously. Anyway, how are you and Jack?”
“We’re not.”
“What do you mean?”
“We were never really a couple. I don’t ever want to have a family, and being single is better. Right?”
Tessa stared at me for a long moment. “Maybe. I really thought he liked you. Like not sort of, but really.”
I shrugged. “But it doesn’t really matter. I don’t want to get serious with anyone, so it’s for the best.”