Page 48 of Wait For You
Eric was at the kitchen table doing his homework. “Mom, can you help me? I’m stuck.”
“Maybe,” I said, trying to keep the anxiety out of my voice.
“It’s math.” He sighed in frustration.
I reviewed the worksheet and the instructions. I knew the answer, but I remembered his teachers reminding me to help him get to the answer himself. This little math problem gave me something to focus on.
After walking him through to the solution, Eric grinned up at me. “Yay!”
I chuckled, lightly ruffling his hair. After Eric went to play his allotted time for video games, I wondered what time Adam might text me. He wasn’t over every night, but more often than not. I was anxious about him coming over. I didn’t know if I should tell him about my conversation with Rich’s girlfriend. He knew I worried about her, and he’d reminded me time and again that I couldn’t control the situation.
My phone rang, and I glanced down to see Rich calling. I didn’t answer his calls, and I wasn’t about to now. But he began calling over and over. Nausea was bitter in my throat as I tried to keep it at bay. After the fourth call, a text came through.
Rich: You fucking bitch. If you ever talk to Lisa again, I will make you fucking regret it.
My hands shook. I swallowed and took an unsteady breath before forcing myself to screenshot the text. I did that so he wouldn’t know I read it. The full text showed on my screen.
My fingertips were numb and cold. I debated whether I should try to call Colin when another text from Rich came through.
Rich: You better dump that fucker.
I tried to take a deep breath, but I couldn’t. That old, familiar sense of panic rose swiftly inside, causing black dots in my vision. I tried to breathe. I reminded myself frantically that this feeling would pass.
I had enough presence of mind to screenshot the second text. After that, I leaned over and put my head between my knees. I didn’t know how much time had passed when I heard Eric’s voice. “Are you okay, Mom?”
He sounded worried. I took an unsteady breath and straightened, trying to put something like a normal expression on my face. “I’m fine, honey.”
“You only look like that when Dad says something scary.” Eric stood in the archway between the kitchen and the hallway.
“I’m fine. I promise.” That was a lie, but I needed to fake my way through this.
“I like it better when I just have to have dinner with Dad and don’t have to stay the night. Can we keep it that way?”
I clawed up every ounce of composure I had and nodded. “I’ll check with him.”
I’d never promised Eric that I would leave his dad, but I promised him thousands of times in my heart.
He blinked. “Okay.” He walked into the kitchen and put his small hands over mine where they were clasped together over my knees. “Things are better now. Just remember that. Adam is really nice.”
I hugged him, holding on maybe too tight for a second. When Adam texted a little bit later, I lied and said I had a migraine.
Adam: I can still come over.
Me: I really just want to rest.
Adam: Okay, text me in the morning. ?? ?? ??
Chapter Thirty-One
My thumbs hovered over my phone screen. I wanted to text Adam and break it off. I knew I had to—for Eric—but my heart hurt. It felt like Rich was once again pulling the strings of my life. I was nothing but a marionette he controlled from a distance.
I should’ve known better than to think he would accept me seeing anyone. Although part of me wished I hadn’t said anything to Lisa, I hoped she was okay.
I wanted to take the coward’s way out and just send Adam a text, but I owed him a face-to-face conversation. After I dropped Eric off at school, I called him.
“Hey, where are you?” I asked as soon as he answered.