Page 39 of Sniper
Fuck…. I look down, biting my lip, and Iron snaps, “Please tell me you didn’t fucking cheat on the girl.”
I flinch that he’d think I do something like that. I look at him, admitting, “No, I would never do that. I’ve fallen madly in love with her….”
Tats grunts. “Then spit it out, brother. What have you done that’s worse?”
I wince again and ask, “How about marrying her without her knowing the truth?”
Iron drops his bottle in shock, and Tats looks at me like I have two heads, before looking at my left hand, where my silver wedding band is.
He’s quiet for a few minutes, processing before finally chuckling. His eyes look toward my momma, and then he mutters, “I don’t know what you should be more scared of right now. The fact that your woman is going to have your balls, finding out you’ve basically lied to her for the past what year….” I nod, and he continues, “Or the fact your mother is going to kill you for stopping her from having her dream of watching at least one of her sons get married.”
My eyes widen, and I can physically feel the blood drain from my face.
Snake had to tell Momma he eloped, the fucker.
I look toward my momma, then back toward Tats and his dad. “Fucking hell…it gets worse, brother.”
And it fucking does….
Iron snorts. “How in the fuck can it get any worse than this?”
I swallow hard and admit, “My wife has just found out she’s pregnant.”
Okay, so I’m the cause of it, but they don’t need to know that right now. I’m already up shit creek without a paddle.
“Fuck, son. Never mind about speaking to anyone, just pack your shit and run now, because when she finds out, you’re a dead man walking,” Iron chokes out, and I wince again, knowing damn well he’s right.
My girl’s a fucking spitfire when mad, hot as fuck, but scary, and add the hormones….
Fuck. I’m fucked.
“Oh, crap Jayden!” Violet's panicked voice snaps us out of our conversation, and we all look at her. Her eyes are wide as she looks at the floor where there’s a puddle.
I open my mouth to question her just as Tats snaps out of his shocked state, drops his bottle, and rushes toward her, not seeing the chair in front of him.
It all fucking happens in slow motion, one minute, he’s on his feet, and the next, he’s tripping on the chair, sliding across the table, and falling on the floor on his back.
The room is quiet except for Violet's giggles, and I snort.
I fucking knew it, and honestly, Tats should have as well; I mean, he has pink in his hair, for fuck’s sake.
“Please fucking tell me, Violet, that you are really in labor, and you didn’t just trick me.” Tats exclaims, and Violet full-blown laughs, making me and Iron chuckle.
She stutters, “I-I’m sorry. Meghan said it was funny to-to watch, and-and she was right.”
Tats groans as Iron, who’s trying to hold in his laughter, asks, “Fuck. Slicer’s woman from the Untamed?”
She nods happily, and we all wince. Those women are a fucking nightmare, and with Violet now in touch with them…. We’re all fucking doomed.
“Fuck, brother, never mind my problems. Yours are ten times worse,” I whisper in horror, and help him up.
He takes a deep breath and shakes his head, rolling his shoulders. Suddenly, she gasps again. But he points at her. “Nope, not falling for it, Shorty.”
She clears her throat, her eyes are wide and panicky. Everyone shouts for him not to fall for it, but my eyes go to the puddle on the floor, and I squeeze Tats’ arm.
She’s not joking this time.
Tat's rasps, “Doc….”