Page 79 of Sniper
I know it doesn’t reach my eyes, but lately, I haven’t had reason for it to. Things are fucking hard, and I’m trying my darnedest to keep my family together, to keep myself together.
My woman hasn’t spoken to anyone, including Emily, since waking after she passed out at the hospital.
Fuck, I haven’t even seen her interact with Autumn much, either.
She barely eats unless made to, doesn’t make eye contact with anyone, and always has to have a prospect on her.
She’s grieving and is full of guilt.
She blames herself for why our little girl didn’t survive. She thinks karma came and bit her in the ass because she tried to terminate the pregnancy.
It doesn’t matter how often I, my mother, the old ladies, and the brothers have told her it doesn’t work that way, she won’t listen.
I can feel her slipping through my fingers, and I can’t breathe. I didn’t fucking lie to her, get her to marry me, and impregnate her just to lose her now.
A part of me hopes she’s taking this time to get her head right, icing everyone out for her mental health, but the other part is petrified she’s going to do something to herself out of guilt.
“Alright, brothers, that’s the update on what went down. Steel, Acid, and Tats have destroyed the body, and no evidence was left behind. In Aurora’s hospital notes, she fell down some concrete stairs.” All the brothers nod as Snake’s eyes come my way, his serious and full of fury on my behalf as he states, “We have two points agendas today. One doesn’t require the whole brotherhood,” he looks around the room, “but I believe you should be in here for what we need to discuss. The second one requires a full vote.”
Snake nods to me, and I sigh, standing. Everyone looks my way as I rasp, “Yet another clubwhore who wanted a patched brother harmed an old lady.” The brothers all nod, even the first-year patches, anger thrumming around me. I continue, “Because of that clubwhore, my woman was taken, my daughter was killed, and this isn’t the first time a clubwhore or club employee has gone after an old lady, and not just an old lady of a counsel brother but also one of you….”
I make eye contact with Cannonball, a patched brother who decided to go nomad last year after a clubwhore attacked his new girl, jealous she didn’t get his patch.
Honey was shot dead right as the knife pierced his new girl’s heart. Layla, his woman, didn’t stand a chance.
“We lost a good brother who went nomad after we failed to see the crazy that Honey was. She killed his woman.” Everyone nods, then I continue, “Juicy, Honey, Snatch, Cherrie, Jewels, Suzy, Jingles, heck, even Prue,” I run a hand through my hair, “so many fucking clubwhores and employees thinking they know what’s best, believing they own us.” I slam my hand down on the table with frustration, and snap, “They come here knowing nothing will ever happen relationship-wise, that they’ll never get a patched brother, yet they get all fucking possessive when a brother finds their one.” Every brother nods, sitting straighter. “Our women get hurt, our loves hurt, and why? Because the bitches turn nasty and vile, thinking they have a claim on us.”
I turn and kick my chair over, but no one moves as I shout, “I lost my fucking daughter because of these bitches!” I breathe deeply, then shake my head and rasp, “My wife has lost the fucking will to live, guilty for not protecting our daughter, because of a clubwhore I used to fuck…. We’ve already agreed that no brother is to fuck an employee, but it’s not enough….”
The brothers look down in sorrow, and I take a deep breath.
“I motion the clubwhores who are only after a patched brother be removed from the premises.” Every brother looks at me in shock, but I stand straight and continue, “A clubwhore who only wants a patched brother is dangerous to us, and to our women and children. I will not be involved with a club that allows them to stay, I fucking can’t.”
Snake nods, and then looks around the room, every brother looking at me. He says, “All in favor of removing the clubwhores who only want patches, say aye.”
“Aye,” Smokey starts, followed by Breaker, then Doc, and one by one, every single brother in this room repeats, standing by me, including the first years, and I nod with respect and fucking gratitude.
When the final brother agrees, Snake bangs the gavel and states, “Fucking aye! It’s about time we cleaned this place up.” He looks around the room. “This week, we all need to vet each clubwhore. You all know a patch chaser when you see one,” the brothers nod in agreement and he states, “the clubwhores who are here because they are trying to better themselves, like Crystal, then they can stay, but if they want to fuck a brother, it’ll be on the weekly party night we will hold on Fridays for the single brothers.”
Every brother stomps their feet in agreement, and I sigh in relief, and Snake nods back to me again.
I smile at him and clear my throat. “I also motion for Pitbull to take over as Secretary for the club.”
Every eye comes my way in shock, Pitbull’s mouth hanging open, making me smirk.
Snake barks, “I second the motion,” causing Pitbull’s head to snap his way.
“I third the motion,” Smokey states loudly, shocking him even more.
Snake bangs the gavel and commands, “All in favor,” and everyone in the room shouts, “Aye!”
This causes Pitbull to stumble back a little, and I grin, nodding as we make eye contact.
“That’s settled, then. Welcome to the council, Pitbull.” Snake looks around the room and adds, “Sniper will stay as our Road Captain,” easing the brother's worry that was clear as day on their faces as they look at me. They all cheer, and Snake grins, “Well, I do believe it’s Friday, so get out of here. We’ll meet again in a week to discuss which clubwhores can stay.”
They cheer louder and chant ‘party’ as they exit church, making me chuckle a little.
Everyone leaves, but instead of following, I sit, needing a minute, putting my elbows on the table, my head in my hands.