Page 25 of Grayson
Skye covers her face with her hands but I can see the redness in her cheeks. Tori continues to stare at Scar, when she just bursts out laughing.
“Have I told you how much I frickin’ love you.” She grips Tori’s shoulders and gives her a little shake. “You are so snippy and sarcastic, I need to bring you with me whenever I have something I’m having trouble dealing with. You’d be my backbone.”
The cashier places a tray on the counter behind Skye and four cups. “Here you go.” She turns around to grab the tray and I move in quickly.
“I can get that.” My arm brushes against hers and she shivers. I’ll admit I sorta love that I seem to have an effect on her. Lifting the cups I hand them over to her. “I can grab us a table if you three want to grab drinks.”
“What do I get you?”
“Surprise me.” Spinning around I walk toward the far corner where there are a few empty tables. Glancing back over my shoulder I find Skye there staring after me, her eyes low, taking in my ass. Smirking, I notice Scarlett cover her smile with her hand and Tori, well she just waved her hand in front of her sister’s face then rolled her eyes.
Suddenly I’m extremely pleased that I allowed Scar to persuade me to come to the mall.
“That was interesting,” Scarlett says as we walk away leaving Tori and Skye to move in the opposite direction.
“Which part?”
“The part where you and Skye blushed every time you made eye contact.”
“I do not blush.” Though on occasion my body did feel a little warm.
“Whatever.” She waves off with a flip of her wrist. “Tori seemed to warm up to you a bit.”
I can’t help but chuckle. “That kid is something.”
“She is hilarious. I’m just glad she didn’t start imitating you like she did that night at their apartment. That may have been a little awkward.”
“Imitating me?” I glance over to see her smile widen.
“Yeah, but it sounded more like a gorilla. Do you really make those sounds when you’re, ya know?” I know she’s only trying to get a rise out of me so I ignore her comment and question.
“You do know I can barely look that kid in the eyes.” I shiver at the thought.
“Feeling slightly less proud of your past?”
“Never had a reason to consider my actions.”
“And now?” I don’t answer Scarlett because I know I don’t have to. If anyone knows the things rolling around in my mind it’s her. She gets me.
“That really sucks about their parents.” When I tried to figure out in my head how Skye could have ended up raising a teen at her age I never once thought it was because they’d lost their parents in a horrific accident. In my years as a firefighter I’ve seen some shit, I’ve witnessed some heartache. To imagine Tori and Skye going through that same thing leaves an aching pain in my chest. I thought maybe they’d had shit parents that ran out on them too.
“Skye has been busting her ass since day one to make sure Tori has everything she needs.” We reach Scarlett’s car and pause on either side looking over the roof of her Camry. “She dropped out of college, found them a place, and worked shit jobs so she could put food on the table, while also putting herself through cosmetology classes.”
Scarlett pulls open her door and tosses her bags in the backseat.
“She wants to open her own shop one day. She works with Viv now, but the two of them are already planning to join forces whenever the opportunity presents itself. I really like Skye, she’s a sweetheart.”
I notice the warning she’s giving me without saying the words.
“You are my favorite person in this world Gray, but if you play with her head, I will seriously kick your ass.”
I had no intention of playing with her. But the more I learn about my sweet neighbor, the more I’m intrigued.
Skye Simmons
“You cannot be serious?” I stare at Tori and her friend Rachel as they stand in the middle of our living room. They share a look, both shrugging before turning their focus back to me. “You are, aren’t you?”