Page 109 of The Silencer
“You do realize that he will kill you for this?”
“I think we’ll be just fine.”
He winks at me and then places a finger to his lips as he walks away from me. “Just don’t tell anyone. Our little secret.”
I watch him walk away and sink down to the base of the tree, absently pulling at blades of grass.
I shouldn’t. I absolutely should not leave the premises, but if he says it’s safe…
Why the fuck not?
I try not to be suspicious, spending the rest of the day working on finishing up my homework for the week and then messaging Angel. He doesn’t answer like he normally would, so I text Casey.
Within minutes he responds, letting me know that Angel is alive and well, just busy unpacking his things and getting settled in. He even sends me a picture of Angel grinning at the camera, an airy and bright room behind him.
Seeing his smile makes me feel a little more at ease. But I’ll feel loads better once I can actually talk to him face to face and get a read on him. To see how he’s really feeling about the move and the marriage.
But for now, I’m left to wait. Wait to chat with Angel and wait for my little sneaky rendezvous with Luca later.
So, I try to bide my time, helping Agatha in the kitchen and then getting ready for my night out while Anthony is preoccupied with his meetings.
I should tell him, but he’ll just say no, absolutely not. And Luca is his best friend, his right-hand man. There’s no way he’s going to let anything bad happen to me.
I’m safe. I’ll be fine. And what Anthony doesn’t know won’t kill him.
So when it’s time, I meet Luca by the tree outside, and he grins at me, nodding toward a shed on the far end of the property.
“We can sneak out this way. It leads out to an exit.”
My eyes widen, and I link my arm with his. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, but no telling anyone. Not many people know.”
“I won’t say a word.”
He unlocks the door and steps through, pulling me into his side in the darkness and working his way forward. I stumble slightly, but his arm around me keeps me steady and pretty soon we’re walking under dimly lit lights through a tunnel that I’m pretty sure I’ve been through before.
But then again, I don’t know. I’m all turned around.
“How do you keep track of where you’re going?” I ask.
“Practice, but I’ll give you a little tip.” He points up and I see a red marker. “Those are clues. They let you know which way to go. If you know the combination, you can find your way around pretty well.”
“And who knows the combination?”
“A select few.”
“Who’s going with us?”
“Just Viktor. The fewer who know where we are the better. For safety reasons.”
“We’re gonna get in trouble.”
Luca grins as he shoves open a door and gestures for me to follow him out.
“No, we won’t. He won’t ever know, and you need a break. He can’t keep you locked up for ages. You’re not an animal.”
He places his hand on the small of my back and leads me forward to a waiting black SUV. I can see Viktor inside, his face set in a scowl.