Page 53 of Mistress of Lies
Each of the Royal Councillors had given a speech, laying out their goals and visions for this season’s work. But there was a shocking lack of detail—it was all dreams and goals and useless platitudes. Flexing her fingers beneath the grip of her claws, she struggled for patience. She hadn’t worked so hard and for so long just so that she could waste her time here.
The rest of her fellows were starting to file out, just as eager as she was to be gone, but she remained in her seat, taking deep breaths as she sought to find her serenity once more. She had just managed to unclench her hands when a soft but authoritative voice spoke above her. “Lady LeClaire?”
“Lord Dunn,” she replied, opening her eyes to look at the Royal Councillor. He hovered above her, his willowy form casting a shadow across her. Up close, he seemed to be a creature made entirely of angles, harsh and unforgiving, but the worst were his eyes—narrowed, suspicious, judging. “You gave quite a fine speech,” she lied. “I am intrigued by your policy proposals and I’m eager to hear more details.”
That part wasn’t a lie. Details would be useful—it would allow her to figure out who was best to befriend and who best to spurn, who could potentially be recruited to her side and who would forever be an enemy.
His lips quirked up at the sides, looking less like a smile and more like a threat. “In that case, perhaps you can spare a few minutes to join me in my office? I’d be happy to tell you more.”
Her decision was made quickly—he might have a history of being conservative, but he was still a Royal Councillor. One could not simply spurn him. “Of course,” she said, glancing over his shoulder to meet Samuel’s gaze across the room.
It seemed the new Lord Aberforth had waited for her, but alas that was not an opportunity she could seize today. She shook her head, just barely, and Samuel slumped. There was nothing she could do about it, so she turned her attention back to the man in front of her.
He held out his hand to her, and she took it, allowing him to help her up. “I hope your first session was interesting, my lady. As I said before, it really is fortuitous that you were able to join us at the start of a session. Joining in the middle can be rather… disorienting.”
She lifted her shoulder in an elegant shrug. “I’ve been following politics for years.”
Dunn watched her from the corner of his eye as he escorted her from the room, and Shan shivered in relief as the cooler air hit her skin. “Naturally. But I daresay you are more politically inclined than most of our fellows, are you not?” She didn’t know what to say to that, and Dunn smirked even wider. “Don’t worry,” he continued, not bothering to lower his voice, not caring who heard him. “I meant it as a compliment. I hardly recognize Dameral anymore. Most of your generation care more about parties than their duty as Blood Workers.”
She waited till they had turned down a hallway before responding. “I believe you are right, but, then again, most Blood Workers my age have not been elevated to our level of responsibility. Perhaps when the time comes they will impress us.”
Dunn laughed. “A true diplomat’s answer. Yes, Lady LeClaire, I think you will do well here. I can always use someone with your skills on my team.” He came to a stop before a large wooden door. “Right through here.”
She stepped into his office, the one set aside for him here in the Parliament House so that he could handle his work as a Royal Councillor at his convenience. It was finely furnished, as was to be expected, and the window overlooked the city. But there was nothing of Dunn here—no knick-knacks or personal touches or even the smallest bit of comfort. Despite the fact that he had held his position for well over a decade it still felt as if he had just moved into the office yesterday—a plain room with no heart, no soul.
He closed the door behind her, and Shan had the sudden, wild feeling of being trapped. This man was not her ally, and she was in his territory now. But she was a LeClaire, she could not afford to show weakness.
“Please, have a seat.”
She sank into the chair gracefully, waiting with her hands folded demurely in her lap. Dunn bustled around the office, gathering his papers and thoughts, before he turned to her suddenly. He didn’t sit in the chair behind the desk or the one beside her. Rather, he leaned casually against the desk so that he could tower over her.
Well, if he sought to intimidate her, he would be sorely disappointed.
“I’m sure you’re wondering why I asked you here, my lady,” Dunn said, staring down at her. “And the reason is that though I am quite skilled in my role—His Majesty wouldn’t have appointed me otherwise—I do not have the skill to reach the younger Lords amongst us.”
“And that’s where you think I can come in,” Shan supplied, and he grinned.
“You are quite clever indeed,” Dunn said, clapping his hands together. “Even with your—” he hesitated for a long moment, then sighed. “Let’s be blunt, LeClaire. I am tired of all the politicking. Even with the bad history around your family, and your own… shortcomings,” his lips curled as his eyes raked over her appearance. Even though she had dressed perfectly, there was nothing she could do about her skin or features, and the contempt was still there, even when he was asking for a favor. “You have a lot of talent, and if you help me I can help you.”
Shan didn’t let her anger get to her—though she ached to lash out. To unleash her Blood Working upon him, forcing him to bend and break before her—as her father had. To show that her magic was as good as his. No, better.
But it would only set her back, so she took it and locked it away, deep inside, where it couldn’t touch her.
All of a sudden she understood Isaac a little bit more.
“And how precisely can I help you, Lord Dunn?”
He nodded, pleased by her proper words and her gentle tone. “I have been working on this bill for a while, and I believe we can get it passed.” Passing the papers to her, he continued, “Though I doubt it will be a popular bill, I hope that with the aid of someone with your skills, we can make them see that it is necessary.”
Curious, Shan looked down at the paper he passed her, reading quickly. Of all the things she had expected, she certainly hadn’t thought she’d see something like this, especially from Lord Dunn. She kept the expression on her face mild, but she couldn’t stop her mind from whirling with the possibilities.
Tensions between Blood Workers and the Unblooded were fragile at the best of times, but she knew that things were reaching a tipping point. If something wasn’t done, and soon, she wasn’t sure how long the Unblooded would remain peaceful. And this bill, this bill from one of the most conservative Lords, would give in to some of their demands.
But what did Dunn have to gain from it?
“It’s bold,” she said, and Dunn preened like it was the greatest compliment in the world.
“It is, isn’t it?” He pushed off from his desk, clasping his hands behind his back as he started to pace. “Between you and me, LeClaire, things are not looking good for Aeravin. The Eternal King has been protecting us for a millennium, but while Blood Workers have thrived the Unblooded grow frustrated with their place. Ungrateful, the lot of them. We give them so much, and this has been how they treat us?”