Page 73 of Knot Innocent
Entirely too slow to be practical, my pants and panties are cut off. I shiver when they fall away, keeping my eyes squeezed shut. My hands instinctively move to cover myself, but the leather belt tapping my bare skin has them lowering again.
My shirt and bra soon join my pants on the floor, and I’m left naked in full view of a monster. “Get into the bath, Birdie.”
The spoken command startles me, and I rush to hide in the tub. The water is a welcome relief from the cold air but is quickly overshadowed when Dolion moves to the foot of the tub to watch.
With the products he’s provided, I wash my hair, using enough shampoo and conditioner to cloud the water. After I’ve washed my body, Dolion hands me a razor. “Shave that patch off your cunt. I want it bare.”
“And you can go fuck yourself.”
Before I draw my next breath, the leather belt whistles through the air, landing with a loud, stinging slap on my forearm. A scream tears from my lips, and a tear leaks from my eye. “Ohh. Look what you made me do.”
Tears and sniffles continue as I reach for the razor. Keep your head, Birdie. Outsmart this guy. Gain your freedom, and Bastien will rip his brain out through his nose.
I finish the shave job quickly, and Dolion reaches into the water to pull the plug. As the warm water drains, the cold returns, raising chill bumps all over my skin. Dolion turns the water on again, filling a bowl and pouring it over my head. “Stand up and rinse off.”
I do as he says, teeth chattering in the freezing air. Dolion retrieves a towel, tossing it to me. “Dry yourself and get out.”
The red welt on my arm reminds me to keep my mouth shut, and I run the towel over my skin before wrapping it around my hair. The chain clanks over the side of the tub as I climb out and thunks on the wood floor when I step down. “Much better,” he coos.
From the tub, I’m led to a vanity, still naked and dragging the chain behind me. I’m forced to sit on a stool while Dolion stands at my back. His crotch is at my shoulder, and in the mirror’s reflection, his erection is obvious.
I close my eyes and think about Bastien, wishing we could have had more time and hoping he won’t go back to hating himself again. A blow dryer turns on, and before long, my hair is straight and smooth.
My lip wobbles when an unwelcome touch shifts the hair away from my neck, and a monster’s lips touch the spot. Not yet, Birdie. Just a little longer.
I’m ordered up afterward, and Dolion presses his front to my back and demands that I open my eyes. “Beautiful,” he says as he trails his hand over my hip to my bare mons.
“I’ve got to go take care of something, but I’ll be back and bring food with me.”
I jerk away from his touch and shiver. “I’m freezing,” I whimper, trying to sound pitiful instead of disgusted by his revolting touch.
“Don’t worry, Kitten. I have clothes for you.”
Dolion grips my shoulder, turning me back toward the bed. He shoves me down, forcing me to sit on the mattress, and walks away to retrieve a duffel bag. Fishing around inside, Dolion brings out a skirt, white with yellow flowers. He tosses it at me and then returns to his search.
The bag drops to the floor once he finds what he wants, and Dolion brings a white tank top over. “These aren’t exactly right, but they’re close enough. Stand.”
He slides the skirt over my head, securing the zipper once the fabric is settled on my hips. The damned thing barely covers my ass. He dresses me in the tank and stands back to view his handiwork. “Just like the first time I saw you.”
My skin crawls under his scrutiny, but there’s nowhere to hide. I’m still cold, but at least I’m covered. “I’ll be back, Birdie. I’ve got to deliver a man in a blue car to the police. Then we’ll have all the time in the world to play.”
Dolion pulls on a pair of gloves and retrieves my clothes. Only now, I realize he never touched them. He’s going to frame someone else for my kidnapping. Knot and the police will waste hours or even days on a wild goose chase. By the time they figure it out—if they ever do—I’ll be long gone.
Knot and I are back upstairs in fifteen minutes, but Cle is nowhere to be seen. A dark-haired woman with emerald eyes sets food on the desk for Squid while a small child flies a toy plane through the air. “Did you get in Hiller’s computer yet? Where’s Cle?!”
The brunette lifts her face, wearing a murderous frown at my harried tone. “Erin, don’t,” Squid warns.
The woman ignores him. “Excuse me. I don’t know who the hell you are, but Cle has been working her ass off all day. In case you hadn’t noticed, she’s seven months pregnant and has a three-year-old to care for.”
Squid stands to calm the woman, whom I assume is his wife. “No. Leave her alone, Squid,” I call out. “She’s right. I’m sorry. I’m only afraid of what could be happening to Birdie. These men she hunts, they’re sick.”
A door in Pantera’s conference room blows open, and Cle rushes in with her rounded belly. “I’m sorry. I had to put my toddler to bed at a friend’s house.”
I hang my head, feeling like an ass. “Cle. Stop. You should be resting.”
“No. Birdie’s my friend. I’m not stopping until I find her.” She gestures over her shoulder as another man steps into view. “Or until he makes me.”