Page 109 of Lethal Souls
“Do you know anything about a Turi Tribe?” he asks, leading with no greeting.
Maeve’s eyes narrow. “Hello to you too. And why do you ask?”
“Because a man just landed on our shores claiming he’s from that tribe and that he’s Alora’s cousin, but she’s never mentioned anything about this tribe. How do I not know about them?”
“They keep a very low profile. There aren’t very many of them, in fact. I’m surprised any of them are still alive.”
“Tell me everything you know about them.”
“I know Alora’s father had a sister who ran off to join their tribe.” Maeve stops to inspect a stalk of beans. I don’t know how she can be so calm as to pick vegetables knowing a war is coming. “We aided the sister in escaping, back when I used to do a lot of work for the Vigilante. But she lied to us. She told us the king was hurting her when in fact, she was the one hurting him. I only know because we requested a meeting with him and he told us the truth about her, along with a few other witnesses. She despised her brother.”
“Why doesn’t Alora talk about them?” Caz asks.
“From what I remember, Alora’s aunt married the tribe leader and returned to try to claim Vanora as her own. After that, the Turi Tribe was banished from Vanora. Last I heard, they were living in Bao Forest with a Mythic who keeps outsiders from venturing there.”
“I’ve heard of Bao Forest. It’s centered between Vanora and Ripple Hills.” Caz’s eyes bounce around the garden as he thinks. “Is that all you know?”
“It is. But if you want more answers, I suggest you pay Alora another visit.”
“Of course, that oversized idiot made a performance of his arrival.” Alora saunters through the corridors of her palace, waving her hands furiously as people skitter by.
It’s busy. Her servants are working tirelessly to board up the palace, and the warriors are on patrol. We arrived by fast train, as not to waste too much time. I’m exhausted, but my body won’t dare let me sleep.
Willow snuck a nap in on the train and claims two hours is good enough for her. She needs more sleep. I can feel her fatigue, but just like me, her mind won’t let her rest.
Just outside, I spotted several groups of fighters training in the fields near the forest. The Gilded were mixed in with them, floating, flying, or shooting balls of light at wooden targets.
Alora doesn’t stop until she’s reached one of the terraces to gulp some air down. Willow and I join her, the sunset bathing us in bold, pinkish light. We traveled by fast train to get here.
“So you told him to come to Blackwater?” I ask.
“I sent word to him that he was needed in Vanora. When he arrived, I told him there was a war coming and that The Regals had returned. He laughed in my face about it until he realized I was serious. He didn’t believe me, so I told him to request a meeting with you to see The Regals for himself. I didn’t think he’d drop in unannounced and destroy one of your shores.”
She blows a shaky breath, throwing her head back and allowing the sunlight to bathe her face.
“The entire world may as well be in flames already,” she sighs. “We’re exhausted, Caspian. No one can sleep. People are fighting in the streets because they know there is a high possibility of them dying. They’re stealing from each other, fighting over food. My guards are working day and night, but I can’t push them too hard because we’ll need their energy on the battlefield.”
“I know,” I murmur. “Trust me, Blackwater isn’t any better.”
Her head drops, and she’s quiet for a few seconds. “Valden can be a bit of a showoff, but he’s not a bad person,” she says after a while. “I like to think he and I would’ve been very close had it not been for the feud between our parents.”
“What happened with your parents?” Willow asks.
“My aunt hated the idea of being forced to marry, so she ran off and married the Turi Tribe leader many suns ago. They had a child, and my belief is the tribe leader filled her head with things beyond her capability. She considered herself more powerful than my father and wanted to take over the kingdom, so she sent a few of their tribesman after my father. Long story short, my father had them killed and the tribe leader—Valden’s father—became angry. Vengeful. There was a short battle then, but we won. She and her entire tribe were banished thereafter.”
I shift on my feet. “I see.”
“Valden is their son and is now the tribe’s leader. Now that our parents are gone, he’s implemented changes within his tribe. They’re much stronger, smarter, and resourceful.”
“So why are they still banished?”
“Because he blames my father, and I blame his parents,” she answers, eyeing me. “Not only that, but his people and mine would not get along. Too much blame. It’s an ongoing argument between us. I visit him once a year outside Bao Forest to check in with him and his family. We are allies and I do know he’s a man of his word, but I don’t trust the rest of his tribe enough for us all to co-exist.” She faces me full on. “He has likely come to you because he wants a war plan. He doesn’t want to go into the fight blind. He knows our tactics. All we can do is hope to the good Regals they work.”
“We hardly have a plan, Alora,” I tell her. “We don’t know what to expect from Selah other than those creatures and dragons. All we can do is train and strengthen ourselves.”