Page 112 of Lethal Souls
With a swift spin, Maeve breaks free from Caz’s and Makoto’s hold and shoves them out of the pantry. I leap out of the way with Juniper, both of us slamming to the ground just as Caz and Makoto fly across the kitchen.
Glass shatters and I look back, spotting the jagged gap in the window. The men are no longer inside.
I don’t have time to react, to think, or even draw in a full breath before Maeve is stepping out of the pantry with the pick in her hand.
She stares right at me, sneering before she brings it in the air and rushes me. She grunts as she attempts a swing at me, but from her position on the ground, Juniper kicks her mom in the stomach. Maeve’s back slams into the edge of counter.
Juniper rises to her feet, snatching out one of her daggers and curling her hands around it as she forms them into fists.
“Mum, this is not you!”
Again, Maeve cocks her head, and her neck cracks as she glares at me with those flamed eyes. She tries dashing for me again, but Juniper stops her, kicking her once more.
I realize what this is.
Selah is trying to get me, and she’s using someone the clan will never kill in order to stop the attack.
Irritated, Maeve punches Juniper several times, causing her nose to drip blood, but Juniper returns the blows.
“Mum! Stop!” she shouts as she finally shoves her away.
But she doesn’t. She attempts to punch her again, but Juniper grabs her by the wrist and twists it. Maeve cries out but manages to shake out of Juniper’s grasp. She hops onto the counter like a possessed creature, dropping to all fours to crawl toward me.
Juniper tries grabbing her ankle but isn’t quick enough, and when she realizes, her eyes dart to mine. “Run, Willow!”
I leave the kitchen and burst out the door that leads to the back deck. I nearly trip taking the stairs down, but I manage. When my bare feet hit the grass, I sprint toward the forest.
I hear panting and Silvera appears at my side, but when I look back, Maeve is chasing right after me, still holding that damn pick.
“Silvera, stop her!” I command.
Silvera growls and twists around, her paws pounding into the ground and her silver fur shining in the sunlight. She pounces on Maeve, sending her collapsing, but Maeve tosses Silvera off with strength only a Regal can possess.
Silvera whimpers as she flops to the ground a great distance away. I look back to see her trying to get up, but she’s limping now.
Maeve is up and running again. I realize she won’t stop. Not until she’s killed me. That means I can’t stop either. Not until I think of a plan.
In the depths of the forest, I swat at tree branches and leaves. Wood crunches beneath my feet and spiderwebs drag across my skin, but I keep going, despite the shadows of the leaves making it darker the deeper I go. Despite the cramp building in my side from the sandwich I just ate. I keep going.
The darkness doesn’t last long though.
A burst of lavender and blue appears before me, and I scream when a pair of hands catch me.
“It’s me,” Korah says, her eyes dripping in color. “Go. That way.” She cocks her head left and I take off, finding the best place to hide.
When I spot a thick trunked tree with a hollow in it, I crouch next to it and suck in as much breath as I can.
Maeve stops short of The Regals as they lift their hands, conjuring orbs of light between them.
Maeve snarls at them. Her skin is changing. It’s gray now, paling. Oh my goodness. She’s turning into one of those things—like Warren! This can’t happen again.
Hassha shoots the first fireball, and Maeve leaps out of the way, barely missing it.
“Stop!” Caz’s deep voice fills the forest, and I cling to the rough bark, watching as he steps between The Regals and Maeve. “You can’t kill her!”
“She’s tainted. We must,” Hassha says.