Page 134 of Lethal Souls
A creaky groan overlaps it though, and the cheers die as everyone cranes their neck to search for the sound.
In the distance, rocks crumble and a set of stairs descend from the hovering land. Hassha sighs and glances at Korah. Their eyes flash as the barrier dissolves, exposing us to the dangers beyond.
The stairs appear on either side, and I float to the ground, instructing which army to go where. When they’re marching away, I stand in the center of the field, observing them all with a heavy heart.
Because though I have power, though I have hope, there are people here I will never see again after today.
“You can do this.” Hassha’s voice is a whisper as it passes. She stands at my side, watching the people as I do. “Trust in yourself. Trust in Yuri. But most of all…trust in us. We’re here to see you through this.”
I look into her electric eyes and nod. Stretching my fingers, I conjure a sword in my right hand and a shield in the other.
“We fight hard for what we love today.”
With a proud smile, Hassha summons her own weapons. “Today and always, Seed of Yuri.”
“Do you need more water, Maeve?” I hold the canteen above her as Juniper adjusts the pillows under her head.
“No, I’m all right, dear.” She stares up at the gray ceiling of the bunker. “I hate it down here. The last time I saw this place, my idiot brother had gotten into a feud with the king of Vanora. Bombs everywhere.”
“This is mad,” Juniper mutters, pulling a quilt over her mother. “My brothers and cousin are putting their lives on the line. I never pray to The Regals, but I pray to the good ones that they’ll get through this fight.”
She kicks a crate of fruit away, searching for Maeve’s elixir.
When she huffs under her breathe, Maeve takes her hand and makes her freeze. “They’re strong,” Maeve murmurs. “They’ll make it back to us.”
“I dunno, Mum. They’ve fought before, but not like this. Never against monsters. Dragons and giants?” Juniper swallows, peering around the spacious bunker. “It’s maddening.”
I look with her at the tribe of Kessel women and children. The mothers are holding on to their little ones while a few of them braid hair or nibble on fruit and jerky to keep distracted. A small group of the children surround Minka and Maia, who are helping Carra knit a skirt.
“These poor children,” Juniper whispers. “And Hassha’s twins. What happens when they realize she isn’t coming back?”
Juniper’s eyes flick to mine. I don’t know what to say to that so I lower my head and press my lips. Maeve’s warm hand wraps around both of ours.
“Stop fretting, both of you.”
“I’m going to check on Carra and the twins.” I place a kiss on Maeve’s cheek before leaving her be on her cot.
Carra’s eyes slide up to mine, but she rapidly looks away as I approach. She’s scared but keeping a brave face for the girls. Minka and Maia notice me and hop to a stand.
“I brought my sword,” Minka says, revealing the hilt of it at her waist.
I laugh, lowering to one knee. “And what do you plan to use it on?”
“Anything that tries to come after us,” she states proudly.
“That won’t be necessary. We’re safe here.” And I believe it more than anything. The door is sealed with magic, glowing with purple and blue waves.
“Do you think my mum will be okay?” Maia asks in a soft voice. Her eyes are wet as she gazes into mine. “I’m really scared, Willow.”
I glance at Minka who shifts on her feet. Though she seems like a fearless little thing, there is still panic deep in her eyes. Worry.