Page 150 of Lethal Souls
When her light swells and bursts, I raise an arm to cover my eyes. The brightness settles, and I spot something floating where she once did.
Caz drifts away to collect it in his hand. “Seed of Hassha,” he murmurs. “She wants her daughters to split it.”
“Couldn’t she have held on a little longer?” I ask in a whisper.
“No, Willow.” He shakes his head. “Korah sacrificed her power so you could live. She was connected to them, and though her energy remains in you, her body is gone. Even if it weren’t at this very moment, Hassha would’ve died too. The only way her energy can survive at all is if she passes it on, just as Yuri and Korah have done. We contain them, but we are not them. None of the sisters’ physical Regal bodies can exist without the others. That’s why Selah wanted my power so badly. So she could live through their deaths.”
“Oh.” I drop my head, but he lifts my chin back up.
“This is what they wanted,” he reminds me. “They made a sacrifice, and now they’ll live in us. Forever.”
I wish I had the words to describe how I feel right now.
On one hand, I should feel victorious. We’ve defeated Selah, and the creatures she’s created are gone.
No one can infiltrate our minds anymore.
No one is coming after us and trying to ruin all we stand for.
For now, we’re okay.
Now, it’s just me and Willow…though we’re nothing like we used to be. It’s shocking, really, the power I feel charging through my blood.
I thought I was strong before, but what I feel now is beyond anything I can comprehend. Not only do I have Yuri’s power, but I now have Selah’s coursing through me. Yuri tells me he’s transforming her energy and rinsing away the bad.
Regardless, it almost feels too much. One man shouldn’t possess so much power.
All the survivors have made it to the shores of Blackwater. Most have stripped out of their armor to stare absently at the rippling black ocean.
The wounded are being tended to by the Mythics, and some are guzzling water like their life depends on it.
The women and children from the bunker appeared not too long ago, wary as they stepped outside. When I see Minka and Maia, I feel a snag in my chest. Their mother is gone, and the pain they’ll consume will be like no other.
I make my way toward them, and their eyes light up when they spot me. But when they see the pulsing blue light in my palm, it’s like they know.
They know exactly what has happened.
“Where’s Mum?” Minka demands. Her voice is strong, but her bottom lip trembles.
Willow meets at my side and I glance at her, unsure how to answer.
“Is she dead?” Maia asks in a smaller voice. Her eyes shimmer in the gray midday light.
“I’m afraid so.” I press my lips and drop my gaze.
“You’re lying!” Minka shouts. “She can’t die. She’s a Regal!”
When I look up again, Minka’s tears race down her cheeks. Maia looks from me to Willow before breaking down in a sob. She throws her face into Carra’s stomach, and Carra rubs her back, but her eyes are just as wet.
Footsteps crunch along the sand, and Milandra appears with Asteria. Both have fresh bruises and scars. Asteria has a bandaged ear, and a deep cut is on Milandra’s upper arm. I shouldn’t be surprised that Milandra hasn’t addressed her wounds yet.
I rise to my feet and open my palm to them. Their eyes drop to the glowing seed, and for the first time in my life, I see Milandra’s eyes water.
“Did she leave instruction?” Milandra asks, trying to keep her voice from shaking.