Page 153 of Lethal Souls
“Wait a minute.” Juniper swings her eyes to Rowan. “You bet on one of you dying in the war?”
“What? No! I bet on not dying.” Rowan throws his hands up in a guiltless gesture. “Betting made it more fun. I didn’t think we’d actually fucking die though. At least I didn’t do what Killian did and bet on everyone dying. If you’re going to be mad, take it up with this brute.” He punches Killian back.
Willow laughs and steps past me to hug him tight. “Welcome back, Rowan. The clan wouldn’t have been the same without you.”
“Oh, come on. You lot didn’t miss me that much,” he says when she pulls away.
“We thought we lost you, you idiot,” Juniper ruffles his hair, her mouth quivering. She sinks into his chest, and he holds on to her with a satisfied smile. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”
“I never will again, sister,” he whispers in her hair. After planting a kiss on top of her head, he climbs out of the bed.
Standing tall, Rowan faces me with a wide smile.
“Look at you, Caz,” he breathes, looking me from head to toe. “I can thank you for this, right? Coming back to life and all?”
“Nah. Don’t thank me,” I say. “You’ve done more than enough for us. You risked your life for ours, Row. Reviving you was the least I could do.”
Rowan’s eyes glisten as he presses his lips.
“Come here, you goof.” With a proud smile, I reel him in and hug him tight.
I’ve lost so many people, but if I’d lost Rowan—someone who has always been like a brother to me—I don’t know what I’d have done. If one person is taken from this family, we’ll never be the same.
The rest of the clan joins our hug, and I drop an arm around Willow, planting a kiss on her forehead.
“To the ends?” Killian asks.
“To the ends,” they chant.
A wave of heat wraps around us all, and I realize it’s love. Love protecting them. Love keeping them close. My love.
“To the ends, the beginnings, and the impenetrable bond of the Blackwater Clan,” I say. “I love you all.”
Danica is laid up in a tent that flickers with candlelight. Most of the day has passed, and she’s finally stable enough to speak.
She was carted away when she was sliced during the war. Mythics have been doing all they can to heal her, but nothing is working.
Just like Rowan, she was clawed by one of Selah’s poisonous creatures.
Willow walks in ahead of me, and I stop in the center of the tent, watching as my mate crouches next to Danica on the cot.
Danica wheezes, her face pale and her hands shaking. Her eyes crack open, shining beneath the flickering lights. When she sees Willow, a faint smile appears.
“Willow,” she whispers.
“Danica. Hi.” Willow clings to her hand and forces a smile at her. I know it’s forced because I feel her heartache. “You look like shit,” she laughs.
Danica laughs too, then winces. “Yeah. I feel it.”
Willow peers over her shoulder at me. “We can heal her, right?”
“I believe I can.” I scan Danica from head to toe. “But I don’t think healing is what she wants.”
“What?” Willow frowns, putting her attention on Danica again. Her eyes glow brighter than the candle flames as she sweeps her gaze up and down the length of her. “Danica.” Her voice is firm. “Let us heal you.”