Page 162 of Lethal Souls
Caz freezes as he peers over his shoulder.
“Are you kidding me?” Juniper stands in the doorframe with her hand on her hip. “Caz, get out right now!” She zips across the room and tugs on his arm. “We just had her hair styled, and you’re trying to ruin it.”
I can’t help laughing as Caz reluctantly pulls away, but not because Juniper is strong enough to make it happen.
“Just have the hair stylist come back up then.” He runs his palms over his rumpled shirt.
“No way. We need to stay on schedule. Now shoo!” She walks around him, pushing him on the center of his back. He doesn’t budge so she pushes harder, and that gets his feet moving. “You can do all the fucking and kissing after you slide that ring on her finger.”
Caz makes it to the door but not without looking back. He starts to speak until Maeve and Faye appear, slipping through the gaps.
“He tried to bang her, Mum. Can you believe that?” Juniper shrills.
“He what?” Maeve turns her narrowed eyes to Caz, and this time I bust out laughing.
“Keep it in your pants, grumpy god,” Faye laughs.
“I came to give her a gift, and she’s my mate, so I have the right to?—”
“Yeah, yeah. See you later. Love you, bye!” Juniper slams the door in Caz’s face. Then she eyes me, pointing a finger. “That baby is making you hornier than usual.”
I snort a laugh. “I mean, he has a point.”
“You’re a mess,” Faye laughs as she helps me off the bed. “Come on. Let’s get you squeezed into your dress.”
I stand a short distance from the shore, nervous as ever. The sound of crashing ocean waves blends with the ballad of string instruments from the band.
I study the guests in their seats, many of them from different territories.
Alora and her closest Vanorians, along with a handful of Gilded.
Hannie is amongst them, though she’s not here as one of Alora’s visitors. Last I heard, she called off the wedding shortly after the war. She’s come today as Killian’s plus one.
Devlin and a date from the Turi Tribe are here.
Hale from Whisper Grove, his wife, and a few soldiers.
My commanders of Blackwater and their wives are seated, as well as a few of our well-known merchants, gunsmiths, and blacksmiths.
Paulina, one of my barkeepers from Blackwater Tavern, is here as well as Simpson, who will be officiating the wedding.
Then there is my Blackwater Clan.
Killian and Rowan stand to my left, dressed head to toe in black. Their suits are crisp, not a smudge on their shoes.
Maeve and Juniper stand the opposite way in gold gowns. Willow’s excitable maid of honor, Faye, is with them.
And I can’t forget Silvera and Cerberus. They sit on either side of the altar, facing the guests like guardians. Juniper clipped a silver bowtie on Cerberus’s chest while Silvera has a bow on top of her head.
I look at the front row where Hassha, the twins, and Milandra are seated. Hassha offers a small bow of her head and a smile. I return the gesture.
When she looks away, I can’t help thinking that if my mother were alive, she’d be in the front row too, smiling proudly at me.
The thought causes a squeeze in my chest. I clear my throat, focusing on the aisle. She’s with me still. She’d be more than proud.