Page 2 of Lethal Souls
“Yes.” I blink, trying to rid myself of the large, amber eyes. The thundering voice. “I’m not sure how much more of this I can take.”
She’s quiet a moment.
When she finally speaks again, I feel a tightening in my chest. “It’s been a month, Caz. How have we not heard back from Hassha about Warren yet?” Sitting up, she looks directly at me, and it’s now I notice the worry in her eyes. I feel her heartbeat quicken and her mind drift to worst-case scenarios.
“Willow, no.” I grab her hand and squeeze it. “Don’t let your mind wander to the worst. I’m sure your brother is fine.”
She nods, but I can tell she doesn’t accept my words. “I know this is going to sound awful, but I think something’s wrong. I just…I have this feeling, you know? Almost like how it felt when I was on Earth and had that hunch he was still alive. Something’s going on, and we have no way of finding out.”
“I know.” I drag a palm down my face. “I’ve tried reaching out to Milandra—not only about these damn nightmares, but also Warren. There hasn’t been an answer, so I understand your worries. But this is Hassha we’re talking about. She’s probably telling her warriors to avoid our calls while she works her magic.”
“I guess.” She rests her head on my chest again, and I hug her tight. Her warm breaths skate down my chest, and I feel her heartbeat slowing to a calmer rhythm. “I don’t think I’d have my head on straight if it weren’t for you.” Her head tilts, a faint smile appearing as she gazes into my eyes.
“That so?”
“I could say the same about you, Willow Woman. I’d probably be dead in the bottom of the sea right now.”
“Don’t say that!” She giggles. I laugh, running the back of my fingers up her jawline before dropping my lips to hers.
She sighs behind it, and I can’t help groaning. I pull her in closer, as if we aren’t close enough already, and she raises her hands to cup my face. She starts to climb on my lap and I’m ready to take her on, but of course our time alone never lasts.
A loud scream fills the hollows of the castle, and it sounds like Juniper.
Willow snatches her mouth away, gasps, and freezes. Her eyes widen as she hears Juniper squeal again.
I roll out of bed, collecting my gun from the nightstand and storming out of the bedroom. I hurry down the stairs, and Willow follows closely behind.
I don’t stop until I find Juniper in the kitchen. With her is Killian and Makoto, our chef and the man who keeps Blackwater Manor in order.
“What’s going on?” I search for threats, scanning the kitchen left and right. There are none. Everyone is calm—well, everyone except for Juniper.
She bounces on her toes in the middle of the kitchen, an ivory scroll clutched in her hands.
“She won’t spit it the fuck out,” Killian grumbles over his bowl.
“Juniper? What’s going on?” Willow asks, stepping around me.
“Caz, Willow! You will not believe what I have!” Juniper squeals again, rushing my way.
“For fuck’s sake. I thought you were hurt, Juniper! I haven’t even put on proper clothes yet,” I snap, but she ignores me, opens the scroll, and shoves it into my hands.
This isn’t just any kind of scroll. It’s thick with the Vakeeli letterhead and was likely delivered by The Council’s little minions from Luxor.
I take the paper from Juniper and read the letter.
To Monarch Harlow and the Blackwater Clan,
You are cordially invited to Armistice Night beneath the celestial sky of Vanora. As always, no deaths will be tolerated. Any purposeful fatalities on the night of Armistice will result in capital punishment.
“Great,” I grumble, lowering the scroll. “Armistice Night. This is what you’re excited about?”
“Of course I’m excited!” Juniper shrills.
“Makoto,” I call, and he whips his head up.
“Yes, Monarch Harlow?”