Page 55 of Lethal Souls
With a cry that shakes the island, Selah drops to her knees. Blood pools around her as she plants her hands on the ground, laughing.
“It is just like you to attack me at your fullest while I’m at my weakest.” Blood drips from her nose and mouth as she turns her head, glaring at her sisters through a gap in her hair.
“Just stop and listen,” Hassha insists. “There is no need to destroy Vakeeli. You wanted this world. You wanted the people. They idolize you on the main lands and think Korah and I are useless. Isn’t that what you wanted? To be worshipped?”
“No,” Selah growls, swiping the back of her arm over her mouth. “What I wanted, you took away from me!”
“We took nothing away from you, Selah. What happened to Kronos was his fate, not ours.”
“And we should have died with him. But just like you’ve done to me, you did to him. You betrayed him—you betrayed me! And for what? So you could have your own world? So you could have people worship you like they did the gods on Earth? How has that worked out? You have both been in hiding, fearing for your lives because the commoners will not accept you. They will never accept us, and this is why we should be working together. I made a mistake, and we must erase them all and start anew. We must let it be known that we are the most powerful. That we should not be tampered with or attacked or disrespected.”
“That isn’t going to happen,” Korah says. “Not all the commoners are bad. Some of them are good. Some of them want to restore the order.”
“Like the weak, angry little wolf you have drifting about the Blackwater territory?” Selah’s eyes flash as she rises to her feet. Hassha raises her sword while Korah does the same, eyes flaring. “I will kill your chosen one and absorb the Seed of Yuri,” Selah breathes. “And when it is mine, it will be too late to stop me.”
“You’ll have to get past us first,” Hassha growls.
Blue and lavender rope wrap around Selah’s body, squeezing tight. The ropes throb with energy, working to restrain her.
But Selah only smirks. “If that’s you want it, so be it.”
In a flurry of flames, Selah vanishes. The flames she leaves behind drench the island and start to spread, but Korah swipes a hand in the air to bring them to an end.
“She’s weak, but not as weak as we thought.” Hassha sheaths her sword, peering around the island.
“We can find her.” Korah swings her gaze to her sister. “We can try to restrain her again. We just need more energy.”
“Restraining her will only last for so long.” Hassha sighs. “We can’t keep her bound while keeping the people safe. It’ll drain us, and she’ll wait it out just to free herself again. We can’t put her into another slumber either. Not without another sacrifice.”
Korah starts to speak but clamps her mouth shut just as quickly.
“We cannot sacrifice him, sister. He is the only way this world will be saved.”
“But his blood?—”
“Cannot ever be transferred!” Hassha grips Korah’s shoulder. “You know we cannot risk it, sister.”
“Then that leaves us with only one other solution,” Korah murmurs.
“Yes.” Hassha looks into Korah’s eyes, watching them glisten. “I’m afraid it’s the only way.”
Korah releases a deflated sigh. “I’ll get Willow back to Caspian. Knowing Selah, she’s on her way to Luxor. She cannot be in the same place as his mate. She’ll use her just to get to him.”
Hassha nods.
In the blink of an eye, Korah is gone.
The sky is black when I open my eyes.
The moon has disappeared along with its companions, the stars.
I gasp and sit upright, reaching for my dagger as I peer out the invisible wall. The city of Luxor is completely dark. I can’t see a thing outside these walls.
Then there’s a loud crash.