Page 6 of Lethal Souls
“Yes,” Mylin replies, eager. “Would you like to try it on?”
“Oh, please do,” Juniper pleads, clasping her hands together. “This is the one, Willow. You have to wear it.”
I nod and smile at Mylin. “I’ll give it a try.”
Mylin leads me to one of the dressing rooms, and I slip into the dress. It’s a little loose around the bosom but still looks amazing.
When I walk out of the dressing room, all the women gasp in unison. Even Proll’s and the other guard’s faces change, shifting from solemnity to faint surprise.
“Okay, wow. Before Armistice Night begins, we must make it very clear to everyone that she is Lady Monarch of Blackwater and cannot be touched,” Alora declares. “Caspian will absolutely lose his mind when he sees how beautiful you are in this dress. Wonderful work, Mylin. Just wonderful, as always.”
On the morning of Armistice Night, Caz has Makoto make breakfast—black crepes, slices of fruit, strips of meat, and lakefruit scones.
With the tea going around and everyone eating, I find myself truly at peace with Caz and his family. This place has become my home. Now that I’m here, I can’t see myself being anywhere else.
After breakfast is wrapped up, it’s time to get ready. We have to travel by fast train to reach Vanora, and Caz insists we (the women) don’t take too long getting ready.
My makeup is applied by a local artist with umber skin who has my face looking uplifted and fresh with a sultry smoky eye and red lip.
My hair has been styled in an updo, a few loose locs hanging around my face and the nape of my neck. Rubies adorn my locs, and the whole get-up screams elegance.
I study myself in the mirror—this woman I’ve never seen before. Only months ago, my life was in a rut. I was lonely, depressed, and unsure how I was going to make it.
But now I’m in a world where I’m highly respected, protected, and have created a family and a whole new life. My brother is alive and safe (as far as I know), and I’m going to a freaking ball with my soulmate.
None of this feels real, yet as I give myself a little pinch on the arm, I realize it is.
A knock sounds at the door, and I rustle toward it in my gown to crack it open.
“It’s just me,” Juniper says, peering through the crack.
I open the door wider for her and find myself doing a double take. Her auburn hair has grown out a bit from the bob she had and is now in luscious curls.
Her makeup is simple yet flawless with a ruby lip. She’s also added gold shimmer to her chest and neck. And whoever did her makeup contoured the hell out of her face.
“Juniper,” I gasp. “Girl, you look amazing!”
Juniper curtsies with a smile. “Thank you, milady. I can say the same for you. Are you ready? Caz is losing his mind waiting for you.”
“Yeah. I’m ready. Let me just grab my clutch.” I collect it from the bed, check the mirror once more, then follow Juniper out of the chamber.
I hear men’s voices echoing throughout the castle, and they grow louder when we reach the staircase. Gold light pours from the chandeliers, emitting rainbow kaleidoscopes on the walls. Between the dresses and the lights, I believe this is the most color I’ve seen in this castle.
As I take the staircase down, I spot Caz at the bottom with a hat clutched in his hands, chatting with Rowan and Killian. He’s absolutely divine in an all-black tuxedo. The only pop of color is the red handkerchief tucked into his breast pocket.
His shoes are polished to perfection, not a scuff in sight, and he dons a gold chain bracelet adorned with rubies.
I can’t take my eyes off of him as I make my way down, and as if he senses my presence, his eyes flicker up. His words are instantly cut short as he tips his chin and gawks at me.
Oi, look at her. Look at her. Love of Vakeeli, this is my mate? A fucking lucky bastard I am.
His words are a whisper in my mind, and I smile as his cerulean eyes sparkle from the chandelier.
I can hear you.