Page 88 of Lethal Souls
Fortunately, teleporting with Hassha is much gentler than it was with Korah.
We land on the outskirts of Vanora, in the center of a field where tall grass sways and the air is sickeningly sweet from the trees decorated in Vanorian blossoms.
Above, the moon is a sleek crescent in the dark indigo sky.
A spark of blue fades from my peripheral, and Hassha stands there, staring in the distance. A cloak appears around her shoulders, the hem sparkling with light. She raises the hood of the cloak over her head just as Killian, Rowan, and Juniper come closer, waiting for our next move.
“Lead the way, will you, Caspian?” Hassha says.
I lead us through the field and along neatly paved roads until we approach Iron Class. I withdraw one of my guns and wrap a finger around the trigger. I’ve never trusted Iron Class.
No, Vanora doesn’t like weapons, but with everything that’s going on, I don’t know what to expect. All those rules and laws are out the window as of right now.
The city is calm. Merchants are closing shop, sweeping the doorsteps to their stores and drawing curtains. A few bystanders gawk at us, others murmur, knowing to keep a distance from the Blackwater Clan.
As we near Gold Class, I start to put my gun away knowing there’s much less violence here—that is until I hear a high-pitched siren.
The gas lamp posts spark a vivid red, and the calm turns into chaos as people flood their homes and storm past us.
“What’s going on?” Juniper asks, whipping her gun out.
From here, I can see the Vanorian Palace. Where it once stood majestically in gold and ivory, it is now bathed in red light.
I turn my gaze to Hassha, and her eyes spark as she nods. I take that as I my sign to run.
We charge through Gold Class, shoving through the frenzied crowd as they scream and shout, desperate to know what’s happening.
Guards holler, demanding them to stay calm as they stand in front of closed gates. Something is wrong. It has to be. Alora never closes the gates on her people…unless there is a threat near the palace and she wants to protect them from it.
“We’ll never make it to the palace this way,” I say over my shoulder. The streets are flooded with bodies, and more are coming from Iron Class.
Killian spots an opening to the right. “That way!”
We push through until we reach a thick, gold-trimmed wall.
“Hassha,” I gesture to the wall. “Teleport us over.”
“Jump,” she says.
“What?” I frown as she stacks her spine, looking between me and the wall. “Are you mad? I can’t jump that wall.”
“You can if you seek Yuri,” she says.
Before I know it, Hassha has vanished and has taken my clan with her.
“What the fuck!”
“We’re on the other side of the wall, Caz!” I hear Killian shout.
Hassha materializes again, and I swear if she weren’t a Regal, I’d punch her.
“Hassha, this is not the time for games,” I snap.
“Jump, Caspian.” Her voice is firm. “I know you can do it.”
“I can’t! It doesn’t work that way for me. I can’t control it!”