Page 91 of Lethal Souls
“You must be mad too,” she breathes. “The Regals are long gone—and who is Yuri? I’ve never heard of a fourth Regal, and I’ve studied them for years. I’ve studied all of Vakeeli history so much I could recite it.”
“Everything you think you know about Vakeeli is a lie, Alora,” I say. “It was all fabricated by the historians. Just people trying to make sense of something that was never meant to make sense.”
“Even if what you’re telling me is true, the dragon seems out of the question,” Alora persists. “If Selah was controlling it, why would she be trying to murder you? She’s our creator. She’d want to save us—especially you, considering you’re Cold Tethered. You’re one of her greatest creations.”
“Because destroying her people is something she’s wanted for many years.” Hassha beats me to it, and Alora’s frown deepens as she swings her eyes to her, trying to figure out who she is. She’s likely trying to read her too, but I doubt she can grasp anything. “Selah wants every single person in Vakeeli dead. That is a fact.”
“How do you know?” Alora inquires.
Hassha removes her hood, revealing glowing blue eyes and silvery-white hair.
A sharp gasp leaves Alora as she takes several steps backward, cupping her mouth. “Are you…”
Hassha nods, giving Alora a gentle smile. “Hassha, yes. My sister Korah is in Blackwater. We are here, Alora. We’ve never left.”
“But I—how? I’m not understanding how this can be. All the books said you were dead—that you were long gone and only Selah might remain.”
“Yes, well, the books lie, dear.”
I can’t help sensing endearment from Hassha as she speaks to Alora. It’s like she’s talking to one of her daughters—patient, calm, tender.
“Your mother Yareena was from Kessel.” Hassha steps closer. “She was one of my greatest warriors. I gave her the blessing to marry your father when she met him, to become queen so she could make a change in this world. And here you are. The change.”
Alora’s eyes brim with tears as she marvels at the Regal. Then she does something I’ve never seen her do.
She bows.
Hassha stands in front of her, pressing her fingers to Alora’s chin to angle it upward. She gently forces her to stand straight again.
“My mother always told me stories about her past, but I didn’t realize it took place in Kessel,” Alora breathes, eyes sparkling. “I always assumed everything took place in Vanora.”
“She never mentioned it because she wanted to protect the island. And you.”
“Well, this is chummy and all, but I didn’t come all this way for a fucking family reunion,” Devlin shouts, pacing our way. “What are we going to do about that evil bitch flying on her dragon?”
“We prepare ourselves and we fight,” Hassha says, looking at Devlin like he’s a pile of horse shit. “You’re quite arrogant for a man so new to this world.”
Devlin clenches his jaw, and I can tell he wants to snap back, but even he wouldn’t be stupid enough to challenge a Regal. “I’m arrogant because I know what I’m doing. I was raised to be a warrior. I fought in the caves in Ripple often and I never lost. My men and I will fight. Just tell us what to do.”
“That’s about the wisest thing I’ve heard come out of your mouth, Devlin,” Rowan laughs.
“Fuck you,” Devlin shoots back.
“Oh no. Did I make the little prince angry?” Rowan taunts.
Devlin’s face turns red, and a growl rips out of him as he rushes Rowan, shoving him against the chest.
Rowan brings his fist back and punches him, instantly splitting his lip.
“Enough!” My voice fills the throne room, echoing off the walls.
Killian steps between Rowan and Devlin, breaking up the fight.
“If we are to win this war against Selah, we have to be on the same team. Do you understand?” I demand, glaring at Rowan and then Devlin. “That means all our differences must be set aside so that we can save this world. Now unless you want her to continue burning it all down, I suggest everyone suck it up and settle your differences. Is that what you want, Devlin? For her to kill you? Kill your whole family? Your pretty little girlfriend?”
“No,” he grumbles, swiping his bloodied bottom lip.
“Well, if you don’t pull your shit together and stop swinging your dick around, we’ll never win this.” I take a step closer to him, looking him hard in the eye. “From this point forward, we are a team. That means the feud between Blackwater and Ripple Hills ends now. It is your job to tell your people that, just as it is my job to tell mine. Do you understand?”