Page 97 of Lethal Souls
“I’m tired,” Willow gripes, dropping her arm like it’s made of a thousand bars of steel.
“We have no time to be tired, Willow.” Korah plants a hand on her hip. “If you want to protect yourself and your baby, you must build endurance.”
“She’s right.”
Willow spins around to find me marching through the field. I strip out of my coat and remove my guns. When I meet up to her, I take the sword out of her hand and study the handle. Based on the purple designs, I assume Korah created this herself.
“Does this sword have your energy?” I ask, eyeing Korah.
“It does. It will never shatter, nor will Willow chop an arm off.” Korah smirks.
I turn to my mate, stroking her chin before placing a chaste kiss on her lips.
“Hey, you,” she says with a smile. “How were things with Alora?”
“It went over better than expected. Everyone is worried though.”
“Of course they are. A war is breaking out.” Willow releases a defeated sigh and shoots her gaze to the ground. “I don’t know if I can do this sword wielding thing. I wasn’t built for this.”
“Will a gun suffice?” I ask.
She cocks a brow. “My aim is better, but I’m not quick enough to shoot.”
“Give me your hand.” Both of us look at Korah who already has her arm outstretched. She’s looking at Willow expectantly.
My mate glances at me before dropping her shoulders and setting her hand in Korah’s palm.
Korah closes her eyes a fleeting second before opening them again and releasing Willow’s hand. Willow blinks several times.
“What just happened?” Willow asks with a dip in her brow.
“I erased your doubts,” Korah says. “Now take your sword back.”
Willow doesn’t hesitate to accept the sword when I offer it back to her.
Korah moves backward, lifting her sword and transitioning to a defensive stance.
Willow glances at me before doing the same, and I step out of the way, waiting to see what happens next.
“Strike,” Korah commands.
Willow lunges and thrusts her sword forward. The blade slams into Korah’s, and the metal clangs.
“Again,” Korah orders.
Willow does the same, lunging forward, but this time she swings the sword at an impressive angle. Korah seamlessly blocks it with her sword.
“Much better.” Korah smiles. “Again.”
This goes on for quite some time, Korah blocking each of Willow’s jabs, moving on the balls of her feet with ease while Willow breathes raggedly, sweat beading on her forehead. Her heart is racing again, but I feel her determination. Korah is quicker though.
When Willow swings her sword one good time, Korah kicks it out of her hand and points the tip of her blade at Willow’s jugular.
“Not bad,” the Regal murmurs. “But you must be faster.”
Willow grunts, pulling away and collecting her sword again.
She gets into stance and I watch, taking note of when Willow will fail before she even strikes. Korah is right. Her feet give her away. She moves them before the strike, giving the opponent an easy way to anticipate her next move. But her steps are also slow, and it’s clear she’s tired.