Page 176 of Dare
“Do not let yourself get caught again,” he hissed. “This is my command.”
“Bullshit,” I gritted through my tears. “You don’t rule me.”
“And I never have.” His eyes flashed. “Yet it was worth a try.”
“We can escape together. We can find a way. We just need a moment.”
Jeryn’s chest collapsed as if my pleas had crashed there like bricks. “Flare.”
Shackle him, my heart wailed.
Release him, my head implored.
Wildly, I shook my head. But seconds later, the resistance deflated as his thumb traced my wet cheek. “I would tear this continent in half to get to you. I would surrender my crown. I would live and die anywhere, to stay by your side. But from Winter, I will bleed myself dry protecting you. I’ll tighten Rhys’s leash, divert my court, stop anyone from searching.”
I choked out, “But you’re my home.”
The truth struck my chest like a javelin. We’d built a home here, but more than the rainforest, this man was my home. My sanctuary and my refuge and my safe haven. And from the way he shuddered, I had become his home too.
A furious sob broke from my lips. “Hellfire, Jeryn. Don’t ask this of me.”
“Royals don’t ask.” He took my hand and pressed it to his chest. “And my little beast does not wither.”
No. I didn’t. Not unless I let these monsters win.
They had taken my parents and my freedom. Now they sought to take my prince.
But if this world dared to come between us, we would fight back. Even if it meant facing that battle from opposite sides of this world.
The mystical elements of this realm wouldn’t deter Summer from swarming it. Nature was formidable in every Season, so the legend wouldn’t intimidate King Rhys. Instead, he’d be salivating to get his greedy hands on this place, if only to destroy the ruins and any proof that an equal society had lived here.
If the ancient palace wanted to be found, it would be. Just like this realm had been discovered. Or if it wished to remain hidden, it would make sure of that too.
But that didn’t mean we should step aside and do nothing.
I spoke quickly. “If they didn’t see us, and if they think the attack was only from the fauna, and if they don’t find the ruins …” Fire raced across my tongue. “Convince them this realm is riddled with plague. Make them fear this rainforest.”
Those observant eyes sharpened. “Viruses.”
Yes. Like the one that claimed the ancients. In the eyes of The Dark Seasons, only a scientist would know how to survive that. Even better, only the most advanced scientist, from the most advanced nation. Jeryn could paint a horrific picture of sickness. If there was one thing Summer feared besides the wrath of Winter, it was contagion.
With a firsthand account from the Prince of Winter, no one would brave coming here. Certainly not His Majesty. That would keep the ruins protected from Rhys.
Jeryn agreed. Yet a hundred logistics, a hundred obstacles, and a hundred contingency plans sat on his face. “This will delay us. To meet here in the future, we would need to be sure, to have a guarantee that returning undetected is safe, which shall take time.” His throat contorted. “A long time.”
My heart sank like a pebble to the bottom of the sea. Jeryn had described often enough the life of a Royal, in which he’d have twelve times as many people watching him after this. Upon his return, the court would be focused on every move he made, and his security detail would increase tenfold. For all his tactical genius, this man would be guarded like a priceless object, to the point where he’d have no means to avoid detection.
We had expected to send one another secret messages. But with him guarded more intently, a reunion or any contact would have to wait for longer than either of us could predict.
Jeryn caressed the side of my face. “Until then, you have your key now.”
My true voice. The way I spoke through my art. Only hours ago, I’d figured out just how much of myself I had to offer this world. That my voice, my destiny, and my strengths didn’t come from the rainforest. They came from me.
This prince had reminded me that I had a choice in my fate.
“Tell me I will see you again,” I choked out.
His voice turned as solid as iron. “I will come to you. I will always come.”