Page 13 of Whiskey Neat
“Honey, if you can’t tell me about your sex life then I’m doing something wrong.”
“Come on. We have a whole section of items for people with penises.”
“Love it.”
Thirty minutes later I walk out with a lot more than just condoms and lube. There was a massive dildo calling my name that I couldn’t pass up. I only bottom when I’m alone, and since I have no idea how long it’ll take me to score with Indy, this will have to do for now. Maybe I’ll name the dildo Indy. Too much? Hmm.
Back in the car, I pull out of my space and start the drive back to my temporary home. If I’m going to become Willow Bay’s newest dick slut I’m going to need my own space. My phone buzzing gets my attention and I grab it, answering blindly since my eyes are on the road.
I nearly fumble the phone and slam on the brakes from the sound of the deep, rumbly voice on the other end. It’s Indy. I know it is.
“Uh, hi. It’s Indy. We just met at the bar.”
“I remember. How are you?”
Stupid. I just saw the guy. He’s fine. Fine as fuck.
“Good. Uh, so we talked and we had a couple of questions.”
“Great. Do you want me to come back?”
“Come back?”
“Yeah. I’m just down the street. Or would you rather just keep it on the phone?”
“Uh…” I hear some shuffling in the background and decide to pull over to the curb.
“Yeah, um, the phone is fine. It’ll be quick if you’ve got a minute.”
“Of course. All the minutes you need, Indy.”
He blows out an audible breath. “Are you good with spreadsheets and inventory?”
“Very good with spreadsheets. I did some project management at my last job which entailed a lot of detailed follow-up on the tasks needed to complete our goals.”
“That sounds good. We were thinking maybe you could help set up our inventory system and start sourcing the things we need, like glasses and shit like that.”
“Ooh. I’d love to. I’m very organized and used to talking to people. I can be assertive when necessary too, so I can negotiate prices and such.”
“Yeah, okay. Uh, what are your salary needs? We don’t have this position currently so we’re figuring it out as we go.”
My stomach flutters with excitement. They created a position for me?
“I’m happy to research what the market rate is for this type of role and get back to you,” I offer.
“That’s okay. Do you have a salary in mind?”
I wasn’t expecting more than waiting tables, and I’m sure I can’t get what I got in New Onyx for office work. I twist my lips, thinking about the going rate for a one bedroom apartment in Willow Bay, utilities and all that, and land on a number I hope isn’t insulting.