Page 23 of Whiskey Neat
He nods, offering a slight smile. “He scares me a little. He’s exactly the kind of guy I like.”
I nod in understanding. “It’s just too soon, right?”
Lowen nods, gazing at his drink. “Right. The divorce…” He pauses, shaking his head. “It did a number on me. The only man with access to my heart again will be the coroner when I’m dead.”
“Jesus, Low,” Kit says. “It’s not like that.”
“It is.” He straightens his shoulders. “Fuck love. Oakley is an important contact for me here in my new life. I’m not risking that for a few nights in bed before we tire of each other or he wants more.”
Damn. And I thought I was a tough one.
“Alain is a dick,” Ridley says, leaning forward to grab Low’s hand. “He ruined something great, and I don’t blame you for having your defenses up.”
“Thanks,” Lowen says softly. “I never wanted the package he sold me. I knew my independence was more important than some fabled nonsense about happily ever after, but I fell for it. I can’t go anywhere in that damn city without someone asking me about Alain, or remembering the dates and the romance at certain landmarks, or the very public fights that would be all over the industry mags the next day. He ruined Paris for me. He ruined love.”
Is there anything harder to stomach than seeing Lowen sad? Maybe just those damn homeless animal commercials.
Bane waves to get our server’s attention. She hurries over.
“Hey, guys.”
“Hey, Leslie,” Bane says. “Can we get another martini, extra dirty?”
She smiles, glancing at Lowen. “Absolutely.”
Lowen chuckles darkly, leaning back in his chair. “New topic please. How did Salem do on his first day?”
All eyes turn to me, so I guess now is a good time to come clean. “Fine. He seems to be motivated and has a lot of initiative.” I pause as Leslie returns and drops the drink off in front of Lowen.
“His energy is good,” Kit says.
“Yeah. So, um, he’s coming over tonight after this.”
Ridley cackles, slapping his thigh before turning to Bane and Jerryn. “I believe that means I won the bet?”
Bane blows out a breath while Jerryn rolls his eyes.
“Fine,” Bane says. “Twenty bucks.”
“Each,” Ridley says.
“You guys fucking bet on me and Salem getting together?”
“Not me,” Kit says. “Too obvious.”
“I didn’t bet either,” Lowen says.
I narrow my eyes at the other three. “Really?”
“In our defense,” Ridley says, “it’s your fault for suggesting the ‘no fucking employees’ rule. It was low hanging fruit, but these two thought you’d hold out longer.”
“Gee, thanks.” I slam back the last of my whiskey, enjoying the burn as it spreads through me. “I have no defense. Salem is… determined. I figure we’ll fuck a few times, get it out of our system, and move on.”
Lowen gives me a sympathetic look while Kit grins at me.
“What?” I complain.
“Dude,” Kit says. “You do realize you’re totally setting yourself up with that kind of talk?”