Page 69 of Whiskey Neat
“Uh, no,” Paul says. “We have regular water.”
I bite my bottom lip to keep from laughing.
“I’ll have an iced tea,” Lowen says with an artificial smile.
“Cool,” Paul says. “And you?” His voice literally trembles as he looks at Indy.
“Cola is fine.”
Paul nods, still staring until I clear my throat. He flinches, turning to me.
“I’ll have some regular water.”
“Be right back.”
Paul scampers off and I chuckle. “Someone has a crush.”
Both men look up from their menus, oblivious.
“Paul was staring at Indy like he’d seen a god.”
Indy laughs before going back to his menu.
“Indy hardly notices anymore,” Lowen says. “What a life, huh? Walking around as a living personification of sex and masculine beauty.”
“Says the one who treats life like a runway.” Indy winks.
“Oh, I have my fans, but it’s nothing like Indy.” Lowen glances at me. “But I don’t have to prove that to anyone at this table.”
“No, you don’t,” I say, drawing Indy’s eyes to me. “Hottest man on the planet.”
Indy just shakes his head again.
“Weird that he’s not an asshole too,” I continue. “I mean, you’re confident and aware of yourself, but you could choose to be a dick.”
“There are plenty of people in this world who think I’m a dick, trust me.”
Lowen chuckles. “Truth.”
His comment makes me wonder about his past for a second. Do I want to know how many people have graced Indy’s bed? Nope, but I am intrigued by his comments.
“Indy’s college exploits are legendary,” Lowen says. “I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a plaque in a dorm or frat house in his honor.”
“Shut up, Low.” Indy grins, putting his menu on the table. “You make me sound terrible.”
“You weren’t?”
He nods, clamping his hands together. “College was about freedom for me. I didn’t want to miss out on a single opportunity that came my way. So I fucked my way through most of the campus, but I was safe and respectful. Consent has always been sexy to me.”
My cock twitches in my underwear and I shift in my chair. “What was your worst college hookup?”
Lowen chuckles, leaning back in his chair. “Oh, do share.”
Indy drags a hand through his hair, his smile pure sex, causing a ping of jealousy to bounce around my chest.
“Gabriel, hands down,” Indy says.
“I thought so,” Lowen says.