Page 25 of Shore Leave
It isn’t much, admittedly, but it is mine. I did earn it. It’s the beginning of a dream and a testament to defiance. That means something.
Especially because I did it with only Aunt Dot at my back.
“Driller is looking for Jen because he wants to show you that he’s willing to have your back, even though it’s obvious that you aren’t close with her. He’s not doing it for her safety or to save her. He’s doing it for you.”
I nod slowly while trying to swallow around the lump in my throat. “I know,” I whisper. “I just,” I take a deep breath and try to examine my feelings and get to the heart of the matter, “I’m scared of how alone and discarded I felt the morning when I woke up and he was gone.”
Even though I’m basically showing the man my heart, he chuckles softly which earns him a glare from me. “Not laughing at you, sweet girl. Fear is a powerful thing. Hell, Driller is petrified right now and for more than one reason.”
I blink at the President of the DSMC, not understanding what the hell he’s talking about. “He’s afraid he won’t be able to find Jen and then in a few days, weeks, or even years, you’ll resent him for not trying harder and not finding her. And that fear grows even more if something bad does befall her. He’s terrified of what is going to happen now that he’s decided to stop working on the Gulf and stay shoreside. He’s waited a long fucking time to follow his dream because he wanted to do right by his family.”
“Not that his mother,” I sneer the word like it’s a curse, “did right by him.”
Lucifer points at me, his eyes no longer shining with pity, but pride. “And that is why you’ll figure out a way to let go of the past and focus on the future you and Driller have coming your way. You’re pissed at his mom, and you should be.” He sighs, his shoulders slumping slightly. “I’ve tried many times over the years to talk to her and convince her to let the club help. She was one of us, but always held herself apart at the same time. She turned her nose up at the club when it could have been her safe haven. She used her son to her own gain and it’s a damn shame I couldn’t step in and do more about it. It was a lesson Driller needed to learn and he also needed to feel like he was doing right by his family.”
“Between a rock and a hard place,” I murmur.
“Heavy is the head,” he agrees with a wink.
“He came to me after telling his mom about not going back to work on the rig.” I press my lips together, not feeling like I can completely talk shit about his mom since I’ve never met the woman. Not that I think it’ll improve my opinion about her, but still. “I didn’t turn him away.”
“Because you know what you have is real.” I bite my lip and shrug one shoulder. “Lean into it, Emery. Not everyone finds the other half of their soul.” I give him a sharp look, one that I’m sure is full of questions and he cracks a grin. “I did a long damn time ago and I was smart enough to hold tight and never let her go. That doesn’t mean she didn’t make me work for it and it sure as hell doesn’t mean I never fucked up throughout the years.”
“Oh, I plan to make him work for it,” slips from my lips without even thinking about it and I slap my hand over my mouth, slightly mortified.
“Good,” amusement fills that one word as he smirks. “He’ll win your trust and love. He’ll earn it; all he needs is a chance. Look at how much he’s given to his mom and she sure as fuck didn’t deserve his loyalty and devotion. Now, his sisters? That’s another matter.” A thoughtful look crosses Lucifer’s face before he says, “He’s going to need your help for this next part. But if you’re at his side, you both can achieve your dreams.”
“I don’t understand.”
“For almost ten years, the club has had plans of opening a tattoo shop. We even have a building for it. The only problem was that Driller was the only person who was ever going to run the shop. He’ll need your help. He’ll need your strength, smarts, and talent.”
I blush at Lucifer’s praise and then his words sink in. My eyes are probably huge as I stare at the man who just dropped a major bomb on me and he’s looking at me like it’s no big deal. The club has been waiting on him to open a shop?
Driller told me about his dreams of opening a shop during the night we first spent together. We commiserated over how much work it would be and not quite knowing where to start. Well, having a building waiting on you is a great place to start. He seemed like it was going to be an uphill battle.
I gasp as I realize something, “He doesn’t know about it, does he?”
“No,” the word is firm and unyielding. “I wasn’t going to put that additional pressure on the man. He was doing what he thought was right. That’s why I kept trying to find other ways to help his mom and sisters. I just never could,” his words are filled with regret. “Standing at your man’s side won’t always be easy, but it will be rewarding. For both of you and for the club and not just because of the business.”
I nod absently, feeling overwhelmed.
“He’s not my man,” I force the words out, a last-ditch effort to protect myself.
But it’s a lie.
I know it and Lucifer knows it.
He gives me a look that’s all censure and I drop my chin to my chest. Then he stands up, kisses the top of my head and whispers, “See you soon, sweet girl.” He takes a breath and then leaves me with, “Let him into your heart. He’ll treat it like pure fucking gold.”
Well, fuck. A man. A shop. A family.
Could I really have all of that? Could I keep it?
I hate that I have news to share with Emery, news that I’m not sure she wants to hear and will hurt her. Even though my woman hasn’t given me details, it’s clear that she’s not close with her sister. I’m aware searching for Jen was more about Dot’s conscience than Emery’s need to help her sister.