Page 29 of Shore Leave
“You can come, Emery,” with Lucifer’s agreement, my woman relaxed a little bit more, “but there will be conditions.”
“I won’t even fight you on those,” she promised.
And she hasn’t. When she was told that she’d be with me close to the motel, but not in the thick of things, she simply nodded. As much as I wanted to have my brother’s backs when going in to find out what the fuck is going on with Jen, I wasn’t going to refuse a chance to spend some time with my woman.
Having her on the back of my bike was a fucking bonus.
There is nowhere else I’d rather be right now.
We can’t see much from where we are, but we can hear it the moment a few bikes pull into the motel. I know it’s my brothers following through with their mission. Emery’s arms tighten and I reach down to give her thigh a reassuring squeeze.
We sit there and silence as we wait. I’m not going to try and placate her and whatever she’s feeling. If she’s worried about her sister, she has a right to that worry. If she’s pissed that she’s here because of her sister’s shit, she has the right to that too.
The other thing we agreed to before leaving the clubhouse is that we wouldn’t tell Dot about finding Jennifer until we had more information and had gone in to get her. There was no way we’d allow Dot to be here with us right now. I’m on edge enough with having my woman here.
Yeah, I understand why she’s here and I don’t disagree, but Dot is a whole other story. She doesn’t need to be exposed to whatever the fuck is going on this side of the city. From the looks of things, this area has been forgotten. We might have to get involved and help the people who live here out in some way.
Adam, one of our newest Prospect, pulls in next to us in one of the club’s vans. Normally we use the van to transport people who need to meet the more violent side of the club, but tonight we’re using it for a rescue mission.
Who knows what state we’ll find Jennifer in and who knows who we’ll be taking back to the clubhouse to extract some information or teach a valuable lesson. With the moon shining down on us surrounded by twinkling stars, I send up a little hope that shit doesn’t go sideways, and Jen isn’t too far gone.
When my phone chimes, Emery practically jumps out of her skin. It would be funny in another context, but right now it just makes my heart ache. I wish I could comfort her better, but that will have to wait for now.
When I can hold her properly, I’ll make sure that she knows how much I care about her. I’ll take her mind off the stress of today by worshiping every inch of her body.
I look at the message to find it’s from Lucifer with a room number for this shit motel. The longer I’ve sat and looked at it, the more I believe that it should be razed to the ground. Hell, in only a few minutes I’ve watched four deals going down.
I’m not surprised nor am I not surprised that I haven’t seen a single cop rolling through. These are the kind of areas that are forgotten until shit goes down. Usually good people going through hard times are the ones caught in the middle.
Adam pulls his phone out of his pocket, glances at it and then meets my eyes. I have to say, I haven’t spent a lot of time around the kid, but the way he’s deferring to me so he can watch my back, has me impressed. I have no doubt that he’ll make a solid brother when the time goes.
“Come on, Ink, let’s get this over with,” I talk to her over my shoulder.
“Okay, Kade,” there’s a tremor in her voice that I hate.
When we make our way around the side of the hotel, it becomes clear which room we’re going to instantly because Apostle has his foot pressing down between the shoulder blades of a man whose face is pressed into the concrete. If he’s one of Jen’s clients, then he’ll learn a valuable lesson. If he’s the pimp who has been profiting off Jen and who knows who else, then he won’t be learning a lesson.
He’ll be dead.
When I’m still and my bike is off, I hold up my hand to help Emery out. The way her fingers linger over my hand combined with the warmth of her touch as my cock begging for some attention. Even the gravity of the situation we’re in doesn’t take away from how much this woman turns me on.
Soon. Very fucking soon I’ll be burying myself inside of her again.
Lucifer nods toward an open door and Emery moves past Apostle and his prey to go inside with me hot on her heels. The room is even worse than I would have imagined from the outside. It’s dirty, dingy, moldy, and all-around disgusting. I’m sure part of the problem is that it looks like a frat party has happened in this room for about ten years without stopping for even a few minutes.
There is trash everywhere, along with clothing, all of it cheap, food wrappers, cups with who the fuck knows what growing in them and used condoms. Then there’s the drug paraphernalia. It’s clear that Jen moved on from pain killers a long fucking time ago.
And in the middle of the evidence of poor decisions and chaos is a woman who looks like better days only happened in another life. She looks thin, far too thin to be natural, and her skin is a sickly color. At least it’s that color where there aren’t bruises. Her hair is the same color as my woman’s hair, but it’s stringy, oily, and lifeless.
Eyes so much like my Ink’s watch my woman warily. The difference is Jennifer’s eyes have no life in them. None.
It’s fucking eerie.
“Emery?” The croaked word is both a question, filled with disbelief and mistrust, and a prayer.
Internally I cringe because I’m not sure how my woman is going to react to the scene in front of us. Hell, I’m not even sure how to react to it and I’ve seen shit go down in the club before. Jennifer needs help and I’m grateful as fuck that Hacker already looked into rehab because that’s the only place she belongs. If she wants help.
“Jennifer,” Emery’s voice is cool and aloof.