Page 13 of Tied Up in Riches
She takes a sip of her coffee before bringing the cup back to rest on her thighs. “Something for the bar?”
“No. It’s a company I’d like to partner with if we are in alignment.”
“Okaaaaay.” She wants more details, but she doesn’t need them. This is just a one-time work favor, not the start of her employment. “What do you want me to do?”
“Your presence is enough.”
I feel her stare as I merge onto the freeway.
“You’ll see.”
“Alright,” she asks, and I wonder if she’s patient enough to wait or if she’s too hesitant to press further. “So, I came up with an idea.”
My gaze shifts to hers for a split second before they’re back on the road. “An idea for what?”
“For you and Troy. For the bar.”
“You did?”
“Yeah. There are a few things I need to research a bit before I want to tell you, but trust me, it’s a great idea.”
“Like how you were a minute ago?”
I smirk. “I’m going out of town tomorrow morning. Finish your plan and we’ll sit down with your proposal next week?”
“You got it, boss.” Fucking hell, that word coming from her mouth sent a jolt straight to my cock. I try to push the feeling away, focusing on how her excitement has relaxed her. But pulling into the parking space at the business center, I can’t help but wonder how long it would take her to be comfortable with me in any situation.
Chapter seven
Following Marcus to the conference room, I take advantage of my view. Damn, he has a nice ass. I’d take the sweats he wears at home or the jeans he wears to the bar over this suit, but I can’t deny how handsome he looks. He pushes open the glass door, holding it with his arm for me to enter first.
I hope I’m not getting sick. Between the heated seats and the lack of air conditioning here, I can’t seem to get control of my body temperature. Scanning the room, I see two women standing at the head of the glass table, their products laid in front of them. I can’t quite tell from here, but they look like . . . mini pregnancy tests?
“Charlotte, Emma, it’s good to see you.” Marcus closes the distance between him and the women, shaking their hands.
“Thank you for meeting us,” Charlotte says. “We’re grateful for this opportunity.”
“The pleasure is mine,” he says, his voice deep in a way I’d love to hear in the dark. “This is my assistant, Brooke.” Did he just introduce me? Beau never did that.
Mentally shaking away the shock, I join him at his side and reach my hand for theirs as well. “Hi. It’s so nice to meet you.”
“You as well,” Emma agrees. “Should we get started?”
Marcus nods, pulling out a chair for me. Once I sit, he takes the seat next to me, and I command myself not to let his nearness be distracting.
“Before we talk numbers, do you mind sharing your business with Brooke? I thought you two could do it more justice.”
“Yes, of course.” Both the women smile, their eyes lighting up. Charlotte hands me a piece of plastic, no bigger than my finger. “What do you think this is?”
She laughs. “It’s okay, we know what it looks like. You can say it.”
“It looks like a pregnancy test.”