Page 16 of Loki's Luck
We are flying down the road on the back of Kitty (cue eye roll) when my passenger backrest bends just enough to make me feel like I’m falling. I curse, wrapping myself tighter around Loki. If I go down, his ass is coming with me. I hold on for dear life until we finally pull up in front of my store. I hop off so damn quickly I almost fall flat on my face. I turn back to Kitty and glare. This fucking bitch is trying to kill me!
“Bitch,” I whisper as Loki dismounts.
“Huh?” he asks, turning to me, looking puzzled.
“Oh, nothing, love,” I say, turning and heading into the store.
“Halle, fuck. I’ve been worried about you. What the hell happened?” Mark, the manager of the store, says when I walk in.
“You remember that little stalker problem I’ve been having? Well, I took care of it,” I tell him, walking around the counter. Loki walks in behind me, leaning against the side of the door.
“How the hell did you take care of it?” Mark asks me, shocked.
“I glued his dick to a table when he broke into my house and tried to rape me,” I say, shrugging.
“What the hell, woman? You glued his dick to a table?” Mark asks, wincing and cupping his own pecker area.
“Sure did. Make sure you remember that,” I say, raising a brow at him. When I first started here, he had a little crush on me. When the feelings weren’t reciprocated, he quickly let it go, and we became somewhat good friends.
“Hey, no offense, but I wouldn’t go near your crazy ass with a ten-foot pole,” he tells me, raising his hands in surrender. I hear Loki chuckle from around the counter as he moves closer.
“Nobody better come anywhere near your ass. It’s all mine,” Loki says, looking at me with so much heat in his eyes a chill races up my spine that has nothing to do with being cold.
God, he’s so yummy and sexy. I want to drag him to the backroom and fuck him just for everyone to hear. I shake my head to clear those thoughts for the moment. I’ll get back to that fantasy later. I’m probably already on thin ice with this job, which reminds me, I still need to ask about that.
“Sorry about the other day. I know I left you high and dry, but it was all out of my control. I know you probably had to shuffle things around some, so I don’t expect the same workweek as before. Now that I’m here, what’s my next day on the schedule?” I ask, getting straight to the point and not giving him a choice to argue. Mark rubs the back of his neck and looks down at the floor before answering.
“Uh, about that…” he says nervously. I Look over the counter at Loki, who has a small blade out and is stabbing it down on the counter.
“I had to hire someone new to come in, but I can still keep you on part-time,” he rushes to tell me. I think about it for a minute and then perk up.
“That’s perfect. I still get to keep my job and spend more time with my man!” I smile back over at Loki. He smiles back, and I can tell he likes that idea just as much as I do. I hear Mark let out a sigh of relief.
“Alright then. Can you come in tomorrow, the ten to two shift?” he asks, and I nod, going back around the counter.
The truth is, I don’t really need this job, or any job for that matter. I hate working here full-time, so part-time hours are more appealing. Before I met Beau, and now more so with Loki, it was basically something to do just to pass the time. I like to keep busy, especially when Ash is always out of town on business.
Years ago, I received money from a rich grandma I never knew when I turned eighteen. My sister Ash got some, too, but I signed my share over to her control. She understands the stocks more than I do, so she invested it and has tripled the zeroes since starting the fund. I try not to use it. I don’t know; it just seems like dirty money to me. Taking that shit that I didn’t deserve from someone I never even met. What if the old bird would have hated my guts? It just feels wrong. In the end, I’ve never used it and only used the money I’ve earned from working. That’s the reason I live, or lived, I should say, in that shitty apartment.
“Since you have the day off, pet, what do you feel like doing?” Loki asks me, throwing his arm around my shoulder possessively and walking over to his bike.
“Can we just ride?” I ask sweetly, wanting to just get lost for a while. After everything the past few days, then reliving my childhood nightmare with Loki last night, I just need to let go. I want to feel the wind in my hair and the sun on my face, all while protectiveness, calm, and love surround me from my man. Yeah, I know, fucking sappy, but give a girl a break. Loki needs to either give me the wind therapy I need, a good hard fuck, or both. I’m not picky.
“Anytime, pet; Any fucking time,” he says, looking me straight in the eyes and reaching my soul. Loki then winks, bends down, and kisses me hard, as if reading my mind.
“Hey pet, I have the day off work. Want to finally have that first date?” Loki asks, coming around behind me and pulling me into his chest.
“Hell, yeah, baby. Where are we going?” I ask him. It’s only been two weeks since we met, but life has been perfect. Between work for both Loki and me, the only thing we’ve actually gotten to do together is fuck and sleep. We are way overdue for his ass to spoil me and show me off to the world. That way, all the bitches out there will know that he’s taken and to back the fuck off my man. All these biker alpha males I’ve been surrounded with lately look like a bunch of pansy-ass bitches compared to a territorial badass woman like me—just saying.
Piper and Izzy have been keeping me busy while Loki’s been working, and though sometimes they don’t know how to take me, we’ve become as close as sisters. I love both of their asses, and we’ve been planning a covert trip of our own to Devils Crossroads, the bar that the club just opened. If our men knew anything about said trip, they would tie our asses to the bed and never let us leave.
“What do you feel like doing?” he asks.
“Hmm… I don’t know. I don’t really get to get out much. Honestly, as long as I’m with you, we could do just about anything. What do you feel like doing?” I ask, turning to him. He looks at me, and I watch a devious smile overtake his face.
“Are you looking for something fun and tame or something completely crazy and dangerous?” he asks, and I can feel the matching devious smile spreading across my face.
“Completely crazy and dangerous. Always completely crazy and dangerous; you should know that by now, love,” I say, and we hop on his bike before he takes off.