Page 21 of Loki's Luck
“This is mine and Halle’s room. If you need anything, anything at all, just come get us, okay?” Loki tells them both.
“Where will we sleep?” Rae asks nervously.
“Right here, baby girl,” Loki says, walking out of the room and right next door. The kids follow him and walk into the room, looking all around in wonder. The room is nice but only has the basic furniture, bed, vanity, closet, and its own adjoining bathroom. It’s nice, for the moment, but so bare.
“We will get you another bed, so you guys don’t have to share,” Loki says, but Rae is already shaking her head.
“I want to sleep with my brother,” she tells us. I smile down at her.
“Of course you can, baby,” I tell her.
“I’ll be right back, guys,” Loki tells us before leaving the room. I show them the bathroom, and they both bounce on the bed.
“Wow! It’s so soft!” Rae says, giggling.
“Alright, I got you both a shirt of mine to sleep in tonight. Tomorrow, we will go get all your stuff from your old home,” Loki tells them. They both go from smiling and laughing to looking like they are about to cry.
“What’s wrong, my babies?” I ask, the endearment just sliding off my tongue naturally.
“The last home we were in threw away all of our stuff the first time Rome smarted back to them. They didn’t want Rome and me sleeping in the same bed, but he refused to sleep anywhere else. He wanted to protect me,” Rae says, sniffling.
“They trashed everything. Including the only picture of our parents we had,” Rome says, and I can see him fighting the tears, refusing to let them fall. I grab him and pull him to my chest as Loki does the same with Rae.
Rae clings to Loki and lays her head on his chest, crying big hard sobs. Rome takes longer before he finally relaxes in my arms and cries softly.
“Then tomorrow, we will go by your last house and make them understand the meaning of being a decent fucking human being,” I growl out.
“One day, I hope you tell us about your parents. We would like to know more about them,” Loki says, placing a soft kiss on Rae’s forehead.
“Then, after we take care of your old foster parents, we will take you both shopping,” I say excitedly. Now, this is a good cause to spend my fortune on.
“Shopping…” Rome and Loki both whine at the same time.
I swear, if I didn’t know better, I would think somehow those two share the same DNA.
“Boys,” I say, shaking my head at Rae. She giggles, and then Loki lifts her up.
“How about you both take a quick shower? Then we will tuck you both in. What do you think about that?” I ask them. They look at me with so much hope my heart aches.
“We would love that,” Rae tells me.
“Alright, there are towels in the bathroom cabinet. The remote to the TV is right beside the bed. Want me to turn it on for you?” Loki asks them. They both nod, and I watch as he creates a kid’s profile for them and turns on an episode of Dragon Tales. I used to love this show.
“If you need anything, just come next door, okay? Anything at all,” Loki tells them. When they both nod, he grabs my hands and pulls me from the room.
“Let’s give them a little time to adjust to being here. I think we’ve put them through enough today,” Loki says, although I only want to go back into that room and hold them close. I nod and let him lead me into our room for the night.
Loki was sleeping soundlessly on my tits, of course, the way he always sleeps now, but we both wake with a start when we hear screaming coming from the kid’s room. Loki rushes, grabbing the knife he keeps under the pillow. I grab my 380 and follow right after him. We burst into the room to find Rome kicking and screaming while Rae is curled in a ball, whining and silently crying. She is curled so tight, making herself look so small it breaks my heart. We rush to the bed, grab both of them, and pull them close.
“Get off her! Get off my sister!” Rome yells, and I swear I feel tears prick in my eyes. No one better have touched Rae. I swear on my life, if I find out they did, I will cut their hands off and shove them so far up their ass they will be my own personal puppet.
“Wake up, baby. It’s Loki and Halle. We won’t hurt you,” I coo softly. We hold on to them for a few more minutes before they both relax, waking slowly.
“I don’t want to sleep alone,” Rae mumbles into Loki’s chest. I watch as Loki’s face turns murderous, and he places Rae in my lap beside her brother.
“I’ll be right back,” he says, walking out.