Page 25 of Loki's Luck
“Hello, my name's Tish. May I help you?” A heavy-set older black woman asks us, walking behind the counter.
“Yes, ma’am, these little babies need to get their hair done,” I tell her, and she smiles down at Rae and Rome.
“That shouldn’t be a problem. I had a cancellation today, so I can take them now,” she says. I smile at her in appreciation.
“Would you mind if I watch? I would like to learn how I can take care of her hair,” I ask.
“Oh, yeah, and me too,” Loki says, raising his hand behind me. We probably look just like the crazy fuckers we are.
“Uh, yeah, of course. May I ask who's been doing her hair so far?” she asks, raising a brow in question.
“It is nappy, isn’t it?” Rae asks, looking down, hurt in her eyes. The woman rushes to comfort her.
“Oh no, baby, it’s not nappy at all. We just need to get some conditioner in there and trim it up a bit. Who called your hair nappy?” Tish asks, looking up at Loki and me with fire in her eyes. She probably thinks it was one of us.
“This mean lady at the store, but don’t worry, Halle whooped her ass—I mean butt,” Rae says, correcting herself before looking up at me and smiling.
“Well, alright then. Why don’t you all come back here, and we will get started,” Tish says, motioning us back.
When we reach her chair, she gets Rae situated before starting her hair. As she goes, she tells me exactly what I need to do and know, detailing what products to use, which ones will dry her scalp, what is more painful, and how to wrap it up. Loki and I pay close attention to every single thing Tish tells us. I even catch Loki pulling out his phone and adding all the information to the notes app on his phone. He does the same when it's Rome’s turn. By the time we're done, we are all in better spirits. Tish is a fantastic person and so welcoming, as is everyone in the salon. I know I will bring Rae and Rome back here every chance I get.
“Alright, you two, you are both done. Why don’t you go up to the front counter and pick out a piece of candy,” she tells the kids, shooing them to the front of the store. She turns her friendly eyes back toward us.
“I’m sorry if it's rude of me to ask, but with the bruises I’ve seen on those sweet babies, I need to know. How did they come to stay with you both? Obviously, they both adore you guys, and from what Rae said, they just recently met you. I just want to make sure they are well taken care of,” Tish asks, putting her hands on her hips. I love this woman. She’s already so protective of my babies. They need all the love and protection they can get. I smile back at her reassuringly when I answer her honestly.
“We actually only met them yesterday. We just got back from shopping for new clothes and essentials before stopping here. We met them all alone and starving, sneaking into the skating rink downtown,” I tell her.
“As for the ones who marred their beautiful skin, that was their previous foster parents. Don’t worry, we will take care of that little problem as well,” Loki growls. It still pisses me off when I think about what the babies must have suffered.
“We are going to make sure their new life is filled with nothing but love and happiness,” I tell her, smiling. Tish smiles back before nodding.
“Hi, my name's Jade. I’m Tish’s daughter. I’m sorry, I overheard what you were saying. I just want you both to know how amazing you are for taking in those kids. They deserve all the love in the world,” Jade tells us. She’s a beautiful African American woman who resembles Tish a bit. She’s plus size with the most amazing curves. I would kill for her body.
“We are doing nothing but gaining everything in this situation, but thank you. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Halle, by the way,” I tell her, holding my hand out for a shake. I smile when she shakes mine back, and then I point behind me. “This is my man, Loki.” He gives her a chin lift, leaning down and kissing my neck, making a shiver pass through my body.
“Alright, well, let’s go see these babies then. They look like they are ready to crash,” Jade says, and that’s when I see them slowly eating a piece of candy while staring at the TV in the lobby and leaning on each other. Rome yawns, and Rae’s eyes close slowly.
“Alright, how much do we owe you?” Loki asks, pulling out his wallet.
“Oh no, baby. This is on the house. I’m honored to take care of those babies there, and you both standing back and willing to learn—that was enough,” Tish says, trying to wave away Loki.
“Ma’am, I can’t do that. You saved our lives today. I need to give you something,” Loki insists.
“Nope, I won’t accept it,” Tish tells him. Loki looks back into the shop before yelling.
“Yo, Jade!” he calls, and she sticks her head around the corner.
“What’s up?” she asks.
“Where’s your mom’s tip jar?” he asks.
“Oh, it’s at her station,” Jade says, shrugging.
I watch as Loki pulls five one-hundred-dollar bills out of his wallet, walks around the shop, and puts them in the tip jar. Tish opens her mouth to argue, but before she can, Loki speaks up.
“Thank you for what you did for us today and for making us feel like family in your shop. If you ever need anything, here’s my number. I’m part of the Reckless Omens MC, and you now have the club at your back,” he tells her, writing his number on the back of an old receipt. I look up and see tears swimming in Tish’s eyes.
“We’ve been having a tough go of it lately. Jade's father, my amazing husband, passed away not too long ago. We have been so lost without him. Thank you for making my day,” she says, nodding while holding back tears.