Page 34 of Loki's Luck
I look over at Loki and smile, feeling like my heart is about to burst as I fall even harder for this man. Yeah, yeah, I know, more mushy shit, but fuck it—I’m going with the flow.
“You picked out all this princess stuff for her? Even the fairy dressing room in the corner?” The girl has her own damn dressing room…
“I had some help.” He smiles wickedly at me and winks, then looks to Rome.
“Want to see your room, bud?” he asks. Rome looks up at him with wide eyes and a smile before nodding. If I hadn’t known better, the look on Rome’s face tells me he thought Loki had forgotten about him. He’s going to realize we do things very differently from the people he’s been with before, and both our kids will always be treated equally.
“Yours is right across the hall,” Loki says, walking over and opening the door for him.
Slowly, Rome steps up to it, hands in his pockets, pretending like the kid couldn't care less. Until he gets the first look at his bedroom.
“Woowwww…” he says, stopping in the doorway to take it all in.
I look at it with just as much amazement as he does. Every wall is decorated with a different sport. There’s a wall for soccer, a wall for baseball, and one for football. Although, the wall the bunk beds are on is completely different. It’s decorated with everything to do with motorcycles. The Reckless Omens MC patch is hanging on the wall in a case. I look at Loki in confusion. Rome takes in the entire room, but his eyes are focused as he walks to one specific place. He walks straight up to the glass case holding the patch. He stands there silent momentarily as he rubs over the glass with a finger.
“What’s this for?” he asks, looking at it in wonder. “It matches yours.”
“That’s your very own patch, son. One day, when you're old enough and only if you want, that patch will go on your cut. That very patch will be sewn onto your very own cut,” Loki tells him, and I gasp, looking over at him.
“That’s mine? If I do good, I get to be just like you?” Rome asks, wide-eyed, turning to look at Loki.
“You will be great, son. Even better than me. I can guaren-fucking-tee you will. Once you prove yourself to the brothers, that will be yours. You will have earned it, just like I earned mine,” Loki tells him with nothing but confidence in his voice. Rome turns back, looks at it all one more time, and nods his head before turning and running into Loki’s arms.
“Thank you so much. I promise I’ll be good enough. I’ll prove myself to you and your brothers,” he promises, squeezing Loki tight.
Loki wraps his arms around his shoulders, hugging him back just as tight, if not more. Rome tries to hide it, but I can see he’s holding back tears, trying to show us he’s strong, just like Loki. Little does he know, Loki is holding back tears himself and trying to hide it, too. My crazy-ass, strong man has so much love in him. Others underestimate him, but I see Loki the same way he sees me. Their loss is my fucking gain. This will be a moment I remember for the rest of my life. Again, I don’t do that mushy shit, but I mentally snap a photo in my mind of my two boys embracing, and not to use it as blackmail in the future, either.
This point in time will be one that will be treasured by us all, but more so by Rome. In his short life, Rome has known too much hurt. With losing his parents and trying to survive this world, I know he must feel like he’s constantly being looked over or pushed to the side. Even though they are twins, Rome has always been Rae’s protector. From what I’ve picked up since we took them in, Rome was never given a second look in life; he was always expected to do and say certain things just because he’s a boy. Fuck that. These days, kids need to be kids.
Rome doesn’t need that pressure or weight on his small young shoulders; they both will have plenty of shitty days in the future as adults. No need to rush growing up. Every time Rome looks around his room, I know he will feel all our love for him. I know Rome and Loki have created a bond that will be unbreakable and only grow deeper. Rome will always be able to see and feel all the love we have felt since we laid eyes on both our babies.
“I have no doubts about that, Rome,” Loki tells him, clearing his throat. I can’t take this shit anymore. I have to turn away before I burst into happy tears or attack Loki and fuck him where he stands for being such an amazing man. Either way, I don’t need or want to damage the kids with those images stuck in their heads.
“I-I’m gonna go look around a bit,” I tell them both.
“Want me to walk with you?” Loki asks, standing back up to his full height.
“No, stay here with the kids. I just want to do a little exploring,” I tell him, needing a minute to compose myself and pull my shit together.
I start down the hallway and head toward the double wooden doors at the end, knowing they must lead to the master bedroom. When I walk in, again, I’m left speechless. The bed is a California King with a headboard of black wrought iron with intertwining branches. It is the first thing to catch my eye and get my attention. The white and black comforter on the bed is next to draw my eye. After a few moments, I tear my gaze away to take in everything else around the room. I’m captivated and in love with all the gothic, old-century style décor that takes up the rest of the space. I don’t think I could have done a better job if I had to decorate a room. It’s like Loki pulled a piece of my soul from my body and materialized it into our bedroom. Next, I walk into the master bathroom and am blown away; it’s just as beautiful as everything else.
This one room is bigger than my whole apartment. It has a fucking colossal square pool in the middle of the room, which I’m sure is meant to be a bathtub. A walk-in shower in the back could fit a whole football team, with dual showerheads and a place to sit. Plus, Loki had two vanities installed, one on each wall flanking the entrance.
In the very back, I notice he’s made another one of my wishes come true with a huge walk-in closet. I make a beeline for it, gaging to see how big it is, and that’s when I realize it’s completely full. He brought all of my clothes here already and hung them up. I’m pretty sure there are a few new outfits in here as well. I run my hands over everything in the closet, completely in love, and I turn, seeing all of Loki’s clothes already hanging on the other wall as well.
I’m still fascinated and in a daze, standing in the middle of the closet, when I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. Letting out a deep sigh and smile, I melt into his embrace, soaking in his love and strength, never wanting him to let go. Loki did good. He did really fucking good with every single thing. I couldn’t have imagined or wished for anything better in a home, but more so in a man. This is hands down the best surprise ever. Little does he know, I’m going to thoroughly enjoy thanking and rewarding my man tonight by fucking the shit out of him on our new bed.
“What do you think?” Loki whispers in my ear.
“It's abso-fucking-lutely perfect. All of it,” I whisper, turning in his arms and placing a tiny lick on the side of his mouth. He groans deeply but pulls back.
“Come on, the kids will be busy for a while. I still have to show you the best part,” he tells me with his signature smile in place and a wink.
“This closet wasn’t the best part?” I ask, raising a brow.
“Do I know my pet?” he asks, raising a brow and awaiting my answer. He turns and starts heading back toward our bedroom.
“Better than anyone else, love,” I don’t hesitate to tell him honestly.