Page 37 of Loki's Luck
“Alright, quiet the fuck down. Rodeo, you have become the annoying country fucking brother we never knew we were missing or needed in our lives. I think it’s pretty obvious how you got your road name in more ways than one. As a prospect, we put you through hell and back to judge your worth, trust, loyalty, and honor to see if you would be a good fit for our club, as a brother, as part of our family. There’s so much more to ROMC than just being able to ride a Harley or shake your pasty white ass at Devils Crossroads; here, you’re given a purpose and given a home if you choose it. While you’re prospecting, it’s up to you to respect this club and all those who call us family. Not just the brothers, but also our Ol’ Ladies and our children. We’re not a one-percenter club and never will be, but we’ll always shed blood in a heartbeat of those who try to disrespect or harm our family. You know this as ROMC law since you’ve witnessed some of the shit we had in the past, and you were a vital part of the solution. On several levels, you proved yourself to everyone standing here today, and I’m proud to be the first to call you my brother. Welcome to the club as an official member, as a brother, but most importantly, as family of the Reckless Omens MC. Now, take that fucking prospect cut off and put on your new one,” Swift commands as he hands Rodeo his new cut and slaps him on the back. Again, the place goes up in cheers, and everyone is yelling and stomping.
Everyone takes turns congratulating him, but when it’s the ladies turn, through a few tears, they throw their arms around his neck, kissing and hugging him tightly. Even though Rodeo is her best friend, and Halle only places a kiss on his cheek, it still causes me to growl at the fucker and pull her back into my chest protectively. Rome and Rae rush to him, and each hugs his knees.
Good luck trying to get loose of my kids, you fucker.
“Welcome to the club, brother. Just a little reminder, brother or not, I will still shove a knife through your temple if you cross the line,” I tell him, holding my hand out. He takes it and shakes, looking at me more seriously than I’ve ever seen him before.
“Thank you. I’ve been lost for a very long time, brother. It feels good to finally have a place, a home, a family,” he tells me honestly. I open my mouth to say something, knowing I need to address his statement, but before I can, Swift speaks up.
“We have just one more announcement. Then you fuckers can eat and drink all the beer in sight,” he bellows, causing a round of yelling ‘Cheers’ to go up.
“Loki, your turn, brother,” he says, looking at me. I walk to the front and stand beside my Prez.
“First, I want to ask my woman to come up here, please,” I say, holding a hand out toward Halle.
She smiles, bends, and kisses both Rome and Rae’s foreheads before she comes my way. Comp slides closer to my kids to watch over them. He’s taken to Rae and Rome almost as much as Halle and I have. I think it helps they have never cringed or even let on that they noticed his scar. He’s just their Uncle Comp, and that’s that. They love him unconditionally, as only children can. Once Halle makes it up to the front with me, I start.
“Pet, the first time I saw you gluing a man’s dick to your kitchen table, all bloody and sexy as hell… I knew I wanted to marry you. I ain’t no speech talker or nothing, so I’m going to make this short. You know that being my Ol’ Lady is just as good as a sheet of paper saying you belong to me…”
“And you belong to me…” she pipes in, raising a brow and placing her hand on her hip. Fuck yeah, there’s my woman!
“Hell fucking yes. You own me, pet. Heart, soul, mind, and, most importantly, dick. We can get married later, but for right now…” I say, pausing, turning, and taking the box Swift hands me.
“You gonna be my Ol’ Lady?” I ask, removing the custom ‘Property of Loki’ from the box.
Halle screams, “Fucking hell yes!” before grabbing the cut and putting it on. Piper and Izzy also have theirs on, and Halle looks at them.
“We’re like the Pink ladies now, huh? I call Rizzo!” Halle yells, pumping her fist in the air, making everyone laugh.
She turns to me and jumps into my arms. She attacks my mouth, wrapping her legs around my waist, and we’re quickly losing ourselves in each other in front of the crowd. Swift clears his throat, fucking interruptions… I was just getting started, and his next words are the only thing that can pull me away and under control for the moment.
“The kids' surprise, Loki, keep it in your pants for now,” he whispers. Oh, fuck, that’s right, my kids' surprise.
“Alright, and probably the most important announcement of the night. Could our kids, Rome and Rae, come up here now?” I ask, holding out my hand to them next as they head our way. They look around nervously but walk slowly up to Halle and me while stealing glances back to Comp, who smiles at them. I haven’t even told Halle about this surprise yet, but I already know for a fact she’s going to love it.
“You all have met our kids, Rome and Rae. These twin hellions came into our lives in the most unexpected way. They haven’t had it easy in their short lives, but Halle and I have worked hard to change that. Today, I’m hoping to take the final step to keep them here, with us, safe, and forever,” I say, turning and getting the other two boxes Piper hands to me.
Rome and Rae don’t waste any time. The minute I hand them the boxes, they tear into them eagerly. Halle looks at me with a smile, but her eyes show confusion. We both look down when Rae squeals in excitement. They both pull out their very own “Property of Loki” Mini cuts out of the boxes. We had them specifically made for them so I could ask them the most important question of all our lives. As I get on my knees in front of the kids, I pull the papers out of my back pocket and hand them to Halle. She gasps loudly when she reads them.
“I got you both a cut just like Halle’s. It tells everyone who sees them you belong to this club, to me. You are protected by us. You are my family. I wanted to ask you both if that’s something you want. If you want Halle and me to officially adopt you?” I ask them. Halle bends down to them, smiling as well.
“You want to keep us here with you? Forever?” Rome asks, looking down at his cut and trying to secretly wipe the moisture from his eyes.
“Of course we do. You are my son, Rome, and Rae is my daughter–Always. That is, if you want to be,” I say, looking at them both, getting nervous as fuck. Shit, what if they say no? I’ll be fucking heartbroken, and I know my pet will be devastated, but I know we wouldn’t love them any less. It feels like time is standing still, and my heart stops beating, but thank fuck, I don’t have to wait any longer. Rome turns and slams into my arms with a quick look at his sister, holding on tight to my neck. Rae puts her cut on before doing the same thing.
“Does that mean yes?” Halle asks, still on her knees and moving closer to us, and the kids turn to hug her as well.
“Yes, yes, yes!” they both say excitedly. Rae pulls back, looking down shyly while playing with her vest.
“What is it, my baby girl?” I ask her, lifting her head with my finger under her chin.
“Does that mean we get to call you mommy and daddy?” she whispers. My cold, crazy heart melts, and I hug all three of them tightly.
“Of course you can.” I force the words out through my tight throat. We take a moment to stay in our own little world as a family. Then the club joins us, and we get congratulations, and the kids are spoiled that much more. After the announcements, the party continues, but we decide to take Rae and Rome home before it gets too rowdy. We are about to leave when Comp pulls me aside.
“I have more information on Rome and Rae’s biological parents’ brother. Can we talk tomorrow?” he asks me in a low voice so no one else overhears. Tonight is for celebrations. If any trouble is heading our way from what Comp has discovered, tomorrow will be here soon enough, and I’ll deal with it then. I give him a chin lift in acknowledgment before grabbing my family and heading home.